District Eleven Male: Skylark Barrowman Jr. [1]

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Author: SilverAndGoldfish

Name: Skylark Barrowman Jr.

Age: Twenty-Two

Sex: Male

District: Eleven

Physical Description:  Sky is still caught between being a boy and being a man. He's tall like  his father and grandfather were but unlike them, his height makes him  look gangly at best. Sky, though his mother and two of his siblings have  light skin and sandy hair, is of dark hair and skin like most people in  his District. He's the spitting image of his late father, except for  his eyes. Sky has his mother's hazel eyes. Though gangly and thin from  malnourishment, has a slightly intimidating air about him. It's the only  thing about him that makes him stand out from the crowd. He's a serious  boy and it shows in his face and mannerisms.

Personality: Sky  may seem slightly childish in appearance but he's anything but. Even  before he was the patriarch of his family, he was always a serious  person. Being the oldest had taught him early in life that he had to be  responsible. So he is responsible and caring towards his family. Towards  other people, Sky is only kind when he thinks nobody is watching. He  doesn't like to draw attention to himself,  it makes things worse. Sky  is fiercely stubborn and slightly hotheaded at times. But he has  excellent control of himself. He has seen some terrible at things and  experienced just as bad, but Sky remains strong for his family. Sky is  not the brightest crayon in the box, considering where he comes from.

Background: Sky  is the eldest son of the first Skylark Barrowman, a man who was well  loved by the people that knew him. Sky's father was, like many  Barrowmans before and after him, a man of the orchards. Their family has  been "watching over the peach trees" since before his great-granddaddy  was born. Sky was the first of eight children, five boys and three  girls. He was fourteen when his youngest brother was born and his father  died. The elder Skylark Barrowman was killed over stolen peaches, which  he'd taken without ever telling why. Sky stepped into his father's  shoes after that. That same year, he met the girl who his father had  given the peaches to. She tried to thank Sky for what his father did but  he'd watched nothing to do with her sympathy or her apologies. He was  bitter about his father's death for years and she had unintentionally  caused it, in his mind. He wanted nothing to do with her. Ruby Harding  asked him to marry her when he was nineteen and she was eighteen. They  now have a two year-old daughter named Shiloh.

Family: There's  his parents, Skylark Sr. (42 at his time of death) and Carol (47),  though only Carol is still alive. Only two of his three sisters are  still alive, Millicent (19) and Tabitha (15). Rosalie died of pneumonia  when she was nine. His four brothers, Amos (17), Brady (17), Cade (12),  and Noah (8) are all still alive. More recently, though they've known  each-other since he was fourteen, there's his wife Ruby (21) and his  daughter Shiloh Grace (2). His Granny Barrowman is still around and so  is his Granddaddy Carson.


Reaction: Sky, to  his credit, did not panic when they called his family name. Part of him  had been expecting it. Though Amos and Brady both argued that they  could go, that he needed to stay, he refused. Sky knew it was his job to  step up so he did, even though it hurt.

Strengths: Sky  isn't afraid to make tough choices and won't let his feelings cloud his  judgement in the arena. He has something back home to fight for, it's a  good motivator. Growing up in Eleven has toughened him up in a way that  even Careers don't get from their training.

Weaknesses:  Though he looks intimidating, Sky definitely has less experience with  fighting than others that he'll be up against. Sky isn't very smart and  any kind of puzzle might trip him up. His stubbornness and pride often  get him into tight spots.

Weapon: Probably  something simple like a knife or a small sword. Sky doesn't have too  much experience with fighting but he does know how to use a knife.

Token: Sky and  Ruby never exchanged wedding rings- how could they in District Eleven?-  but he brought along the peach pit ring that she gave him when they  first met, thinking it was close enough.

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