District One Female: Virgo Alizé [1]

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Author: SilverAndGoldfish

Name: Virgo Rosaline Alizé (Her brother just calls her Rosie)

Age: Ten (Just barely ten, her birthday happened very recently)

Sex: Female

District: One

Physical Description:  Rosie is a cute little girl, though she looks more like a little boy  than anything else. People say that she resembles her brother, or the  way he did as a child. She's tall for her age and lithe, nimble and  athletic, in build. Her feathery hair is a very pale blonde color often  sticks up in short, messy tufts. Rosie has big, innocent eyes that trod  the line between blue and green. Her looks are kind of impish, though  not as mischievous as her brother's were at that age. Most people say  she'll grow up to be pretty but now she's just cute and childlike.

Personality:  Rosie has always been a strange child, through no fault of her own. Her  parents have sheltered her, so much so that some people didn't even know  of her existence. This lead her personality to be a little subdued.  Though she may appear impish, Rosie is actually quite docile. She was  raised to be calm and quiet, to have control over herself and her  emotions. This has lead her to be very mature for her age. She's also  naturally smart, though a bit lacking in common sense. However, like  most children, she is used to being coddled by her parents. Her  isolation has made her a lonely child and a naive one, despite her  mature nature.

Background: Rosie  was born as a result of an accident. Her parents had only wanted one  child but they weren't careful. They loved her anyways and thought that  she would grow up to be more perfect than her slightly rebellious older  brother. This idea was shattered when she started having sleep attacks,  the first occurring when she was about four or five. After that, her  parents were terrified of it happening again and kept her very  sheltered. Her world was mostly limited to her family and later, school.  Her brother Orion was her only friend and most of her time is spent  with him. When Rosie was nine, her mother left her father for a man that  she'd been cheating on him with for years. This incident shook their  family a little but life was still safe and charmed for Rosie.

Family: There's  her mother and father, Opal and Magnus. Her mother's new husband is  named Azure, but her brother calls him something that Rosie can't  repeat. And there's her brother, Orion, who is currently seventeen. And  Orion's girlfriend, Jace, who is like the older sister that she never  had and who has always been Rosie's hero. That's it, small but still  pretty good.


Reaction: Rosie  was terrified. So scared, in fact, that her panic triggered a sleep  attack before she could even make it to the Justice Building. She knew  that there was nothing her mother could do to help, having given up her  place in Rosie's family, but she still wished someone could save her.

Strengths: Rosie  has more combat training than most kids her age, as her brother and Jace  taught her some basics despite her parents telling them not to. She's a  smart girl for her age with a good memory. Rosie is very good at being  quiet, sneaking around and hiding are easy for her.

Weaknesses:  Obviously, her narcolepsy is a big obstacle in the way of being able to  fight to the death. She's still a child, not as strong as people twice  her age and size. Rosie's social skills are extremely lacking.

Weapon: A dagger. It's easy to use and still deadly and besides, it's the only weapon she was ever able to get her hands on to train.

Token: A jeweled  bracelet that she got for her last birthday. It was a gift from Jace,  whose father made it specially for Rosie. She hasn't taken it off since  she got it.

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