Task Five: Moving Day

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Tonight, everything is  quiet in the arena. Now that half the tributes have died, everything  seems even bigger than before. There are so many places to hide that it  seems almost impossible to find each other. Things have gotten too  spacious and, as seen during the last few days, kills have dwindled  considerably.

The group composed of  Kimi, Delta and Calder sit near the end of the northern tunnel. The end  of these staircase at the east is where Annaliese is hidden, now without  Kessler. In the south one can find Jamilla and Kase, while Scorpio  rests alone in the west. The other tributes are scattered somewhere  between them, leaving only Cartier at a fixed point: the room where the  Games begun. Staff in hand, he waits for tributes to stumble upon him.

But all of them look at the sky.

Marley Boxman. Kessler Drawes.

Suddenly everything is  shaking. The ground splits and the ceilings crumble throughout the  tunnels of the arena. A simple ploy to gather them all together, but  it's an effective one. Staying in the tomb room is not an option either;  rocks are beginning to fall down in there as well, blocking off the  staircases. Soon anybody using it as refuge from the tunnels' dangers  will be trapped without oxygen. Only one route is available.




- Not the most fun when  it comes to emotionally scarring the tributes, but this task is  necessary: the arena task. As stated in the task, you must escape the  cave-in. This leaves you quite a bit of creative license, so do with it  what you must. Please bear in mind that the places I have put you in the  tunnels were mainly for my own enjoyment. You can move pretty much  everywhere.

- There is only one  other requirement for this task: somewhere along the way, you must  develop a serious (but survivable) injury. Enough of you guys getting  through everything unscathed, alright? ;)

- Word limit: 1,500

- Deaths: I  said these would be getting more difficult to survive, didn't I? Four  will die this task, with six facing voting. Two must die in your entry  and one over ballot.

- Due date: Monday, January 12th at 10 PM GMT.

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