District Four Female: Selene Albright [5]

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Author: TheDarkHorse

Name: Selene Albright 

Age: Twenty


District Four

Physical Description:
Her  father used to tell her that she was as beautiful as the moon she was  named after. Selene is certain that this is an exaggeration, as she's  always felt like a black sheep in her District. Although her hair is  roughly the same length and style as that of other girls in her  District, it's, as her father said, black as night. Selene almost always  pulls her hair back in a ponytail or a braid, just for the convenience  of it. Beyond her hair, and her silvery grey eyes she's actually quite  similar to many of the girls from Four. Her skin is well-tanned from the  ridiculous amount of time she spends in the sun and her silhouette  would be almost indistinguishable from that of the other girls in her  District, considering her tall, lithe build. Although Selene certainly  looks like a Career, she looks more like she hails from One or Two than  from Four.

Selene's  never been one to make a fuss, perhaps because her personality makes  her stand out enough as it is. She's known for being very quiet, and  it's rumored that she never speaks more than a few words at a time. Even  when Selene does speak, her voice is soft, and only a select few have  ever heard her yell. Because of how rarely she speaks, some would say  that Selene doesn't necessarily have a personality to speak of, although  these people would be wrong. Selene's mind is a near-constant whirlwind  of activity, and she thinks that she takes in more than those around  her because she's quiet enough to actually notice everything. Her  ability to observe is perhaps her best quality, and she's able to pick  up on the slightest changes in those around her. Although she will help  friends, and is well-trusted for whatever reason, she is almost too  independent for her own good.

Selene  has had a fairly pleasant life growing up in District Four. Her father,  a deep-sea fisherman who is gone most of the year as a result of his  job, and her mother, a pearl diver, worked to give Selene and her  younger sister the best lives possible. Selene decided she would follow  in her father's footsteps, and learned to fish at a very early age.  Fishing was the first of her passions, shortly followed by her enjoyment  of Training. She only Trained unofficially, of course, and mostly  learned how to throw spears, tie knots, and about general fitness.

Although fishing was the  thing that she enjoyed doing most, Training impacted her life much more  than fishing did. One of her Training partners, a girl named Marissa,  volunteered for the Games several years back, and won. She returned  hailed as a heroine, but Selene recognized that she wasn't the same  anymore, and swore to never enter the Games or let her little sister do  so. Obviously, that didn't work out as well as she had hoped.

Father - Sidney Albright (44)
Mother - Teresa Albright (43)
Sister - Calypso Albright (17)

Calypso volunteered their family for the Games, and Selene volunteered herself from her family.

Calypso,  after seeing the success of Marissa in the Games, thought that she  could have similar success. However, Selene wanted to protect her  younger sister at whatever costs necessary.

Selene  is in excellent physical condition, regularly swimming and running to  stay and shape. Her arms and core are also very strong from rowing  frequently.

Selene has been tying  knots since before she even talked, and is very dexterous as a result of  that. Finding food in the arena should be easy, as will setting traps  for other tributes.

Selene is well-practiced  as distancing herself from those around her, and will kill without any  problem. She's easily killed twice this many fish anyway.

Selene  has never officially trained, and, although passable with a spear upon  volunteering, she is nowhere near the expected capability of a volunteer  from Four.

Selene is absolutely  dreading the Interviews, really any sort of forced interaction with  those around her. She's used to responding to most things with simple  facial expressions and nods.

Beyond the beaches of  Four, Selene has no experience in nature. She's passable at making  fires, but that's about it. Finding water and making shelter will be  next to impossible for her.

Weapon of Choice:
Selene  would prefer to simply set traps for tributes with a bit of rope, and  then slit their throats if she needed to. However, for safety's sake,  she'll also carry around a spear for use in unexpected conflicts.

Anything  relating to fishing was entirely disallowed for Selene, so anything  particularly sentimental was out of the picture. She eventually decided  on a plain silver ring that her father got her when she was younger. It  originally had been engraved with her name, but it was weathered away by  the water and is now completely smooth.

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