Meet the Gamemakers

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Name: Vienna Heraohse

Age: Fifty-seven

Rank: Head Gamemaker

Physical Description: Short  and not particularly built in any way, it is difficult to see how  Vienna managed to obtain any sort of fame in the Capitol. She looks a  little bit younger than her age, but not much; she thinks it a sign of  dignity to bear slight wrinkles. Her hair, however, is an auburn colour  that should most definitely be greyer, falling in ringlets to her  shoulder as is her signature. Vienna's eyes are a dark shade of brown,  her face a porcelain white, and her nails painted a bright red -  possibly the best physical contrast seen in the Capitol.

Brief Background: Born  the socialite daughter of Benedict and Magenta Heraohse, Vienna always  had a comfortable path drawn ahead for her. At age twenty-six, she  married her husband, Almin, and they had their first (and only) son,  Cicero, when she was thirty-six. She was made a Gamemaker at forty, but  this is her first year as Head.

Preferred Type of Tribute:  The strong ones. This can be the physically strong, or those who have a  good enough strategy to survive, or those who she simply won't believe  won't break in the arena. She typically doesn't sponsor younger  tributes.

Specialty: Tasks that play with the tribute's mind, particularly using their loved ones and background against them.


Name: Cicero Heraohse

Age: Twenty-one

Rank: Gamemaker

Physical Description: Though  Cicero has a similar character to his mother, he looks a lot more like  his father. His hair is a dark brown, the same colour as his mother's  eyes, but streaked with purple at the sides and falling to his  shoulders. His eyes are a pale blue almost as light as his skin, though  he doesn't look sickly in the slightest; he's too tall, too muscular,  too confident for that. Typically, Cicero wears a steady shade of leaf  green and wears his hair back in a ponytail.

Brief Background: The  son of Vienna and Almin Heraohse, Cicero has always had an easy life.  At age fifteen - impressively young - he got accepted into the Gamemaker  Academy, where he passed with flying colours. There is not currently  much else to be said.

Preferred Type of Tribute: The forgettable ones. Cicero believes that those who are typically overlooked have a strong chance precisely because of this.

Specialty: Mutts.

These will actually  open today at 10 GMT - I've been convinced it'd be best to do this and  try to fill spots by Sunday as far as time goes.

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