District Nine Male: Lennox Riolu

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Name: Lennox Riolu

Age: Thirteen

District: Nine

Physical Description:  Physically, Lennox is your average thirteen year old troublemaker of a  boy. His red hair frequently falls over his brown eyes, and his big feet  always felt a bit too big for his short stature. Long days of work in  the sun have given him a sprinkle of freckles across his nose and  cheeks.

Personality:  Lennox is a bit of a troublemaking nerd. He likes to make jokes and  make people laugh, but tragically, not everyone shares his sense of  humor. He can annoy people sometimes by his tendency to get hung up on  technicalities and point out flaws in ideas, as well as his babbling  habit.

Background:  Lennox is the first child by five minutes and seven seconds, a fact he  has always hung over his twin. He doesn't have any other siblings, which  means less mouths to feed but less hands to work. Since his sister is  of fragile health, Lennox is the one that took out all the tesserae  because if worse came to worse, at least he would have a better chance  at surviving the games. Of course, this was all theoretical as no one  thought he would actually be reaped.


Reaction:  He made his way to the stage in shock and tried to make light of the  situation by saying into the microphone, "At least I won't have school  tomorrow."

Strengths:  He's a quick thinker and a fast runner. He tries to make the best of  things, which means he'll keep trying to survive despite the odds and  won't give in to despair.

Weaknesses:  He's small and untrained in weaponry and fighting. He'd hesitate to  kill a human being if he had the chance. He's too trusting for the  Games.

Weapon:  A bow and arrow because it's a quick weapon of distance, and for other  weapons if it's a close up weapon you can't use it from far away, but if  Lennox needs to use a weapon from close up, he could always stab  someone with an arrow.

Token: A silver locket with a music note engraved from his twin sister.

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