District Nine Female: Ryena Brown

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Name: Ryena Brown

Age: 17

District: 9- Grain

Appearance: Ryena  has dark red hair, that falls in curls to her waist. Her green eyes are  the color of emeralds framed by long lashes.  She stands about 5'7"  with lightly tanned skin from working out in the fields so much. She has  some light muscle build as well.

Personality:  Ryena is smart, and curious about things. She questions the games, and  the Capitol. Ryena is confident, headstrong, and a bit impulsive. Ryena  tends to stay to herself. She is very self reliant as she always been  left alone by her parents. Ryena can play the sweet innocent girl to win  over anyone's heart, but she has a darker side as well. Ryena's temper  does not mix well with her darker side.

Background: Ryena  grew up without her parents around. She was the youngest of three, the  other two having died in the games when she was about 7. Losing two  children in the same year to the same games made her parents withdraw.  Ryena had to learn to get food and other necessities for herself and  parents. She learned some people would help an innocent girl, but others  would hurt them. Ryena learned how to get what she wanted, wether she  was being brutal or kind and innocent. She enjoys killing things, as she  found this out when she was 13 and was helping with the harvest. Ryena  had come across a family of rabbits, she grabbed one of the knives she  kept on her, throwing it without a second thought. Since that day she  has killed any animal she's come across. Ryena has also killed a human  as she was attacked by an older man when she was 14. No one of course  knows she was the killer.

Reaped/volunteered: Ryena was reaped, as there is no one she cares enough about to  volunteer for.

Reaction/ reason:   Ryena was not shocked as she'd taken the tessarae every year. She  walked proudly up to the stage and stood there. She stared out at the  crowd, her parents emotionless faces. She would win this, make her  parents see her.

Ryena is an excellent marksmen.
She  is very knowledgeable about plants and has very good survival skills.  Ryena is also very good at deceiving people and a quick learner.

Ryena  is afraid of fire and also isn't the best runner. While Ryena is smart,  she is very impulsive at times. Even though Ryena's parents ignore her,  she wants to make them see her.

Weapon: Knives, daggers, anything small and sharp that she can throw if need be.

Token: Ryena's  token is a simple gold chain, with a silver ring with the words  "Forever" etched into it. They were her older siblings.

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