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8, 78K ❤  987 💬

Is it even possible for an human to be that hot? Why don't I look that good?


@queenleshawna Oh... 😍😍

@lindsay ... boy... 😍😍😍

@a-maria He's... 😍😍😍😍

@gwen_die So... (gotta admit it, even if he's not my type)... 😍😍😍😍😍

@dawnn ... handsome... 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

@bridgeG ... and hot... Wow... 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

@Kitty He's just... wow... 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

@Owen I'm in love! Uh, no, I mean... I didn't mean it that way! I mean he's good-looking and very attractive but... I love girls! Uh and him, he's so... I didn't mean... Oh, man... He's just perfect! But I'm not gay! He's just so hot! Uh, no...

@Dunc&an has blocked you.

@Dunc&an Why is everyone into my best friend? 😂🔞 But seriously, man, you're lucky, even if I know I look as good, but still... Whatever. Stop commenting under my posts, you stupid, girly, dreamy losers. I'm already fed up 🖕

@Dunc&an 🖕🖕

@gwen_die Sorry, Dun, but you must admit: you know it would happen when you first posted it, it's Alejandro were talking about. But don't worry, you look as great as him, if not more ;) ♥💀

@Dunc&an Thanks, Pasty ♥💀 Missed you, wanna skip school tomorrow?

@gwen_die Definitely! See ya then, Punk boy ;) 💀♥

@Alejandro_B I don't even remember this picture, how many pictures of me do you have? Because I'm starting to get scared 😂👏

@Alejandro_B Anyways, thank you to you all, ladies ❤

@Dunc&an 🙄⚢⚦

@lindsay Who are you?

@queenleshawna You're welcome, Al! Thanks to you! ❤

@bridgeG 😍😍😍

@geoffsurf Still here, babe 😒

@bridgeG I was just giving my opinion, babe, nothing more ❤

@Heather_RQ You were also "just giving your opinion" yesterday and this morning while chuckling like some stupid, brainless whore whenever he opens his mouth and blushing like crazy whenever he touches your burned cheeks?

@sierra_kins Gotta bring some popcorn! Thanks Heath! 😂

@codyyy Let's go! 🍿

@queenleshawna Who the hell do you think you are?

@Heather_RQ I don't know. But I know what I'm definitely not: a whore. Thank you very much.

@bridgeG Uh, I... It is none of your business! Leave me alone!

@gwen_die She's right, go die somewhere and leave us all alone.

@geoffsurf We have to talk. @bridgeG

@Dunc&an I shouldn't have posted this pic...

@codyyy Definitely not, man...

@Court_CIT Oh, just go screw your pillow or our maths teacher, and shut up! @gwen_die

@Dunc&an No need to get feisty, Princess 😏

@Court_CIT Stop with that emoji and shut up already!

@bridgeG Why do you always have to start shit like this?!

@Heather_RQ Why do you always have to be useless in this life? These are questions without answers.

@Alejandro_B Heather, mocking people and being rude doesn't suit you. I'm quite disappointed, you know.

@Heather_RQ I don't need a stupid jerk's opinions, you know? So go fuck yourself or one of these blond, brainless girls you flirt with, okay?

@Alejandro_B Oh, I get it now. Someone's jealous, Heather?

@Dunc&an They're both jealous, bro 😏

@Alejandro_B 😏

@Heather_RQ Ugh. I'm so not jealous, you idiot! As if any of the dolls you play can ever be compared to me.

@Alejandro_B Okay, okay, calm down, Heath 💕

@Heather_RQ You're... you're so... Ugh. There's no word to explain how much annoyingly, disgustingly stupid you are. Leave. Me. Alone.

@Heather_RQ has blocked you.

@Alejandro_B Not again! Heather? Heather?

@Alejandro_B 😂😂

@Dunc&an Hey, Princess, still alive? 😏

@Court_CIT Oh, don't you have a day of school to skip with Missy Gothy?

@gwen_die I have a name; you know?

@Heather_RQ Don't know, don't care, have a nice day 🖕

@scottB 😂😂

@codyyy I love this girl 😂

@Heather_RQ Love you too, Cody ❤

@Dunc&an Court, you should really calm down. Chill out, Princess.

@Court_CIT When are you going to grow up? I'm not your Princess! So leave me alone and live your stupid life with your stupid friends and your stupid girlfriend!

@Dunc&an Sorry, babe, but my love life is none of your business 😏🔞 But if you want to...

@Alejandro_B Uh... Dunc', you really should stop before...

@codyyy Dying 😂

@Court_CIT has blocked you.

@Alejandro_B Good, now, they hate us even more.

@Dunc&an When do they not hate us?

@Alejandro_B You're right.

@gwen_die Bitches. I cannot stand them!

@Dunc&an And they cannot stand you, Pasty.

@Alejandro_B Heather's driving me crazy.

@geoffsurf And you're driving every girl here crazy...

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