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999 ❤  6 💬

Everything sucks a bit less when you're with me 💭🧡 @dawnn


@dawnn Oh, Scotty 🙈😹

@bridgeG How cute 🙈

@lindsay This pineapple looks so GOOD 🙈

@Izzzyyy I want her hair! 🤪 Even though Noah's nose tastes better, calienteee!!

@queenleshawna Cute, even though I do hate you, rat 👍🏾

@scottB Oh, the feeling's mutual, Doris II 👍🏻


@Court_CIT Duncan, please, listen to me!

@Dunc&an Why the hell should I always listen to you when you're the one who makes shitty mistakes that weaken our relationship?! I'm done dealing with your royalty, Courtney!

@Dunc&an You humiliated Gwen in front of everyone and told the whole hotel I cheated on you!

@Court_CIT You're one to talk?! God, Duncan, I'm trying so hard because I want our relationship to last! You completely forgot about me last night!! I waited for you and you never came back! I was all alone and you didn't even care!! You were hugging and kissing your so called best girl friend in one of the bathrooms, so yes! I'm not talking to you and I'm mad at you for being such a jerk to me! It's like Gwen is and will always be more important to you than I'll ever be! It's so unfair, what the hell did I ever do to you?! That girl is worthless!! Don't you see it?! Why are you even dating me?

@Dunc&an Ya know what? I'm so fucking done with you right now. I want to enjoy my last days in London. You're just so self-centered, okay. I get it.

@Dunc&an Gwen had a huge fight with her brother and then, with Geoff. She was feeling awful, so yeah, I wanted to be there for her, Miss Courtney. When I was back, you were nowhere to be found and you've been ignoring me for 2 days! Hell, I'm not your dog and I have always been honest with you! Stop hurting Gwen or Heather just because our relationship is... shitty right now!

@Court_CIT How dare you?! You take that back now!!

@Dunc&an I love you so much that I'd be willing to do anything for you! But you're going all psycho on me! Believe me, I do! But do you?

@Court_CIT Don't blame me when we're both wrong, Duncan! I love you too and it's destroying me! I feel like garbage whenever you're with her! I feel like garbage whenever you're laughing at Heather's jokes! You're the one who's weakening our relationship!

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