#80 (1)

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ChrisMcLean's Story:

Don: You're ridiculous

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Don: You're ridiculous.

ChrisMcLean: Your school is ridiculous, stupid bastard.

Don: Always so childish and immature, McLean. At least, my students have better grades.

ChrisMcLean: You wish. You're just jealous, my students are better at everything and Total Drama High is more popular. That's life ;)

Don: Oh, just go make out with Chef already. You're a sadistic and lazy little jerk who doesn't even care about his job, Chris.

ChrisMcLean: Hey, at least, I have someone to make out with 🙌🏼

Don: This is stupid and useless, have a nice day 🤦‍♂️

ChrisMcLean: Don't bother me next time ;)

ChrisMcLean: 🖕🏼


Chef: Man! Where are you going?! Don't leave me behind with these crazy kids!!

ChrisMcLean: Sorry, love, I'm missing Hawaii, nice weekend ;)

Chef: Wait! Alejandro and Heather got together, man!

ChrisMcLean: WHAT?! REALLY? Oh God, that's insane, Chef!! Terrifying! Hell!

Chef: I know, right? I've been waiting for this since Candy Boy first came!

ChrisMcLean: That means dramas! Fantastic, I've always known my children were meant to be! I'm coming over, love!

Chef: Okay, man! Maybe we could stalk them together?

ChrisMcLean: Oh, I can give them detention together! Let's see who'll die first 😏😈

Chef: Hehehe, I like the way you think, sadistic little jerk 😏😈


BlaineleySAO: Where is my money?!

ChrisMcLean: Where is your femininity? These are questions without answers, sweetie.

scottB's Story:

scottB's Story:

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