Total Interview

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Heather smiles at the camera, and Alejandro bites his perfect lips.

Heather: Stop smiling, you jerk.

Alejandro: Why? Because my smile is so beautiful that you can't help but stare, Heather?

Heather: Shut the fuck up. Anyways, hey, dear fans! I know that you adore me for being so smart, so beautiful, so funny and all, so we've decided to let you ask us your questions. Am I not perfect?

Alejandro rolls his eyes and laughs.

Alejandro: And humble, yes, you are perfect, Heather. So, amigos and ladies, you're all free to write and send us - and I mean all of us - your questions about us.

Heather: That's exactly what I said! Idiot.

Alejandro: An idiot who loves staring at you.

Heather blushes furiously. He laughs and shakes his head.

Alejandro: I swear, Heather, you're ridiculously cute. So, that's all, I guess.

Scott: Don't forget me and my boyfriend!

Duncan: Aleduncan forever, guys!

Heather and Alejandro facepalm.

Heather: You can interact with all of us, ask your questions and tell us everything that you eventually want to say, we'll answer you. I know, I'm just that great.

Alejandro: If I remember correctly, that was Emily's idea, Heath.

He smirks and giggles when Heather grits her teeth.

Heather: Whatever. Ugh, you're so annoying! I'm done, bye! Cody, I need some purple hearts!

Alejandro smiles charmingly at the camera and gets up too.

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