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One day, Europe will be mine.


@Heather_RQ has turned off commenting.


@Dunc&an What's wrong, babe? Did you call me? 'Cause I was talking with my mom, ya know.

@Court_CIT Ugh, yes, Duncan. Where are you?

@Dunc&an My room, dollface, waiting for Al, he's doing his freaking homework. What a perfect man.


@Court_CIT God, I love your stupid face, neanderthal

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@Court_CIT God, I love your stupid face, neanderthal...

@Dunc&an And I'm crazy about yours, baby 🤘🏻🖤

@Court_CIT 😘

@Dunc&an So, what's the matter? We're not allowed to leave our rooms 'cause it's pretty late and I already have enough problems to handle with damn Chef and Blaineley 💀

@Court_CIT Don't leave your room!! I don't want you to be in more trouble, argh. I had a huge fight with Heather and I have so many things to do! Can you believe it? She even told Cody and Sierra to give me the cold shoulder treatment, what a pathetic, spoiled brat!

@Dunc&an Hey, chill. 🙌🏻

@Dunc&an First of all, I'm pretty sure Heather didn't tell little loser or Sierra to do anything.

@Dunc&an Second, Heather is everything but a spoiled brat, we both know her family life sucks as hell. What happened?

@Court_CIT Ugh, she's just jealous of our relationship! I mean, she wasn't even that happy for me and she was mad at me for being too close to Gwen and spending too much time with you! Same with Cody who's so clingy, no wonder he's friend with her!!

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