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I still remember this summer. I just want a new start. 💙💭


@queenleshawna Baby, I'm always here for you, you're so beautiful 💙

@bridgeG Thanks, Leshawna! I miss you! 💙

@DJ Oh, Bridgette, I missed you so much 🥰 I'm sorry 😔❤

@bridgeG No need to apologize again, DJ! It's all good! I missed you too! 💙

@DJ Wanna go see a movie tonight? 😊

@bridgeG Of course! There's no challenge today! 💙

@DJ 🥰❤

@Dunc&an 😂😂😂

@bridgeG What's so funny, Celine Dion?

@Dunc&an ... Nothing. It's all good, Malibu 👍🏻

@bridgeG Fine, then 🖐🏻

@dawnn 🥰🥰💙

@zoey6 🤩🤩🖤

@bridgeG Thank you, girls!

@lindsay I want a new start too, I miss Tyler so, so much 😔

@bridgeG Uh, darling, I don't think we're dealing with the same problems 💙

@Izzzyyy So beautiful 🤪💙

@bridgeG Thanks, Izzy 🤪💙

@tyler Where's Lindsay? I miss her!

@bridgeG You two are perfect for each other 🤦🏼‍♀️

@bridgeG She's in her room, Tyler.

@tyler Thanks, Bailey!!

@bridgeG ... you're welcome ✌🏻💙

@noah You didn't put makeup on your right eye, right?

@bridgeG Don't expose me like that, Noah!!

@Owen Emma used to do the same when she was dating Noah 😂😏

@Dunc&an She probably did know Noah would get scared if he saw her with no makeup 😂😐

@noah Yeah. Good thing I'm single now.

@bridgeG That's not cool, guys. And not funny at all 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️

@Court_CIT This is quite stupid when we know what she's talking about, and who she is referring to. It's cute and all but still not enough. You messed up, that's all. Nice picture, though, nothing personal 🤷🏽‍♀️

@gwen_die Chill, Court, we all know you wanted to finish the cake, no need to get angry or annoyed 😂🖤

@Court_CIT Not my fault Sierra and Cody ate it, G' 😭🖤

@gwen_die Don't cry, Court 😂🖤

@scottB This is weird...

@lindsay I know, mommy, right...

@scottB I hate life.

@noah L. O. L.

@Owen What cake?! WHAT CAKE?!

@bridgeG Hey, I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but this wasn't supposed to be a "funny" post and I needed some support, not disrespectful comments about my life and stupid jokes about eating. You have a life, Courtney, deal with it. @Court_CIT

@bridgeG Geez, thanks for the support, Gwen 💙👍🏻 @gwen_die

@gwen_die Come on 🙄

@Court_CIT We have some homework to do, anyway, good luck with yoUR lIfe, Bridgette. You'll need it! 🙄😂💙

@gwen_die I'm coming!

@trentmusic That was mean.

@gwen_die So? Stop stalking me, Trent.

@trentmusic I'm not. But she's my friend and you're disrespecting her with Courtney.

@gwen_die We were just kidding, chill!

@Dunc&an They're right, mind your own business, Elvis 👍🏻🖐🏻

@bridgeG Thanks, Trent 💙 @trentmusic

@bridgeG Ha. Ha. Hilarious, have a nice day, girls ✌🏻💙

@Court_CIT 😘

@Court_CIT ❤❤❤ @Dunc&an

@gwen_die 😂🖤

@geoffsurf 💙💙💙

@bridgeG 💙💙💙

PRIVATE MESSAGES : @geoffsurf @bridgeG

@bridgeG Hi, Geoff. I know you're having fun with Owen and Duncan, but I really want and need to apologize to you. Again. I'm sincerely sorry. I know I cheated on you with your friend and acted like a freaking stupid witch. A total bitch. You're the most awesome guy ever and I really did love you. I was an idiot for falling for Alejandro's game. I shouldn't have been mean to you, to Brody, to DJ and to Heather who was constantly telling me to stop believing everything that jerk said. I just felt like our relationship wasn't gonna last and I acted like a jerk too because I didn't know how to deal with all of that alone. I'm incredibly sorry. You're amazing the way you are and I hope we can be friends again, Geoffy.

@bridgeG You still make me go crazy, you know 💙

@geoffsurf Hey, Bridge! Sorry, Duncan got into a stupid argument with Court and Owen was missing, but anyway! I'm sorry too, I was being a jerk to you too and you didn't deserve that. Guess I was overreacting, I was really jealous and then I got angry and all. But that's cool, we are 16! I want us to be friends again too, see you later!

@bridgeG Great! Thank you! 💙

@geoffsurf 😉🥳💙

PRIVATE MESSAGES : @bridgeG @Alejandro_B

@bridgeG Someday, a girl is surely going to give you a taste of your own medicine. You've played too many girls and broken way too many hearts, Alejandro.

@Alejandro_B Well, this chica must first at least catch my attention and then steal my heart to break it. And that's certainly not gonna happen anytime soon ;)

@bridgeG We both know you're head over heels in love with Heather.

@Alejandro_B You can say whatever the hell you want about me, but Heather has nothing to do with that!

@bridgeG She doesn't, you're right. In fact, she's probably one of the most honest people in this school. I usually don't hold grudges, but I really hope she'll break you as well, Al.


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