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7, 45K ❤  46 💬

Are you ready for the ride? 🍷


@Heather_RQ FINALLY!! Do you need any help with your makeup? I'm bored :p

@Court_CIT No, thanks, Heathy ❣ You?

@Heather_RQ Nope, thanks ;)

@Dunc&an Man...

@Dunc&an Princess, you look GORGEOUS ❤

@Court_CIT Uhm... Thanks, I guess?

@Dunc&an You're welcome, Princess ❤

@Alejandro_B Dunc', stop staring at Courtney's picture, you look like a dog man 🙄😏

@scottB Again, this party's gonna be GOOD.

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5, 46K ❤  37 💬

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Just waiting for my Prince charming, Tyler 👑


@tyler I'M HERE, BABY!!

@lindsay Are you sure you're Tyler? I don't think you're my real Prince...

@noah What have I done to be stuck in the same school as... THEM?

@lindsay My Prince charming!!

@Owen 😏😏😏

@noah has blocked you.

@Owen NOOOO!!

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4, 35K ❤  46 💬

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4, 35K ❤  46 💬

See? You can be a good girl and stop flirting... I mean, complaining about everything :)


@bridgeG I don't want to go to this party!!

@geoffsurf Well, I didn't want my girlfriend to flirt with one of my friends, but she did. Get it?

@bridgeG Got it, Geoff...

@brody2 Hey, man, did you dress her?

@geoffsurf I did 😊

@Dunc&an Man, I wish I could dress Courtney as well...

@scottB 😂😂😂

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Ready!! 🍒


@codyyy Hey, Heather didn't invite all of you!!

@queenleshawna So? I do whatever I want to do. Back off.

@codyyy You, back off, stupid piece of... of... of chips!!

@scottB Epic 😂😂

@bridgeG Looking good, sweetie 😘

@queenleshawna 🙄🖐

@queenleshawna Thanks!! 😘

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I feel so lonely 💤


@lindsay Hey, Gaga!! :)

@gwen_die has blocked you.

@DJ ❤❤

@gwen_die ❤❤

@Dunc&an Come on, Pasty, you can just come with us to Heath's party, it's gonna be super cool!! ;)

@gwen_die NOO!! Plus, she'll never let me in!!

@Alejandro_B True, she won't :) But then again, she's super cute when she's pissed ❤

@gwen_die Okay, I'm not coming. Have fun with Princess and Queen Heathy 😒

@Alejandro_B Will do, I just have to buy her some flowers to piss her off, bye, Gwen 🖐

@Dunc&an Will do too!! Plus, Court's damn hot with this dress 🔥😏 Bye, Pasty ;)

@gwen_die But... but...

@codyyy Finally someone without invitation who isn't coming 😑 I hope Bruiser will kill all of them!!

@mikeee It's okay, man, we're gonna have fun :)

@noah Yeah. So much fun.

@Owen Noah has blocked me, guys!! 😭🍡🍝🍜🍛🌮🍔🍟🍲

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