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Happy moments. @BlaineleySAO


@BlaineleySAO Oh, I'm sure having a great time with you here!

@ChrisMcLean Don't worry, darling, you're not the only one! But guess what? Thanks to you, we're now coworkers! Stupid, fake Barbie!

@BlaineleySAO Total Drama High is now my school, McLean!

@ChrisMcLean I'll make your life a living hell, my dear. Don't mess with Chris Mclean if you don't wanna have some serious problems, ex-wife! Ugh, marrying you was the worst idea ever! Old, disgusting witch! I'm keeping the cat by the way!

@BlaineleySAO How dare you?! I'm the most perfect woman ever! I'm beautiful, successful and rich! Plus, you were the one who fell in love with me! Aha!

@BlaineleySAO I don't care about that damn cat, I have the money, McLean!

@ChrisMcLean There was no love involved, you witch!

@ChrisMcLean Oh, please! Tell that to your fake cheekbones and your ridiculous colored wings!

@BlaineleySAO Says the bald one!

@Chef Shut the fuck up!! You two!! Behave, man! You're both old, stop acting like some crazy teens!

@ChrisMcLean Chef! Hey, she's the one who started it!

@BlaineleySAO Blah blah blah! Here we go again! Anyway, how are these worthless students doing?

@Chef Don't talk to me, Mildred.

@BlaineleySAO That means war, Chef!

@BlaineleySAO Owen, what do you think about me? 😘 @Owen

@Owen Uh...

@Chef Son, tell that bitchy old, fake Barbie who's the boss here! NOW! @DJ

@DJ Why? 😣

@BlaineleySAO Owen, I'm your new Principal, now.

@ChrisMcLean Hey! That's not true, Blaineley! I'm the only Principal here!

@Owen I think that you're really sweet...

@BlaineleySAO Awe 🥰

@Owen Stunning and very funny, hehehe... And you have all of my respect, ma'am!

@BlaineleySAO 😘 @Chef

@Chef You go, kid!!

@DJ Uh, yes... yeah! I... uh, yes!

@DJ Chef is very... strong, yeah. Manly and talented, sir! Hardworking and kind of smart... Can I go now? 😣

@Chef That was good, kid! Now, go!!

@DJ Yes, sir! Of course, sir! Mama, I'm coming!! 😭

@ChrisMcLean This is ridiculous. Leave my students alone. @Chef @BlaineleySAO

@bridgeG Poor Principal McLean...

@geoffsurf Well said, Bridgette...

@ChrisMcLean You're still not my favorite students, but thank you, kids. 😊🙌🏻

@bridgeG 😊

@geoffsurf 😊

@DJ 😣😣😣

@Owen I felt that, DJ 😣

* * *

We need those stupid bridge chapters, lol.

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