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I'm going to do something today. Something really important. First of all, I'm trying to look like a girl because I know you like them! Here we go:

I love you more than pizza. I love you more than soda. I love more than cheese. I love you more than sandwiches. In fact, you're probably the most delicious thing in the whole universe...

You're so handsome, so smart, do talented 😭 Oh, yes, you're perfect... perfect. Oh, yes! 😏

I just hope I look good, I look like a real girl now! I'm proud of myself! And I want you so bad, babylove... You're the reason why I ear so much every morning! Your green eyes are magnificent, magic, as magic as chips!

So, yes, Alejandro, I'm in love with you, please, be my pancake and I'll be your hamburger 🍔🥞 @Alejandro_B


@noah I've told you several times NOT to do that, but you still did it 🤦🏽‍♂️👏🏽 I'm sure he'll gladly be your pancake.

@Owen See? I'm so proud of myself! So is my mom! I'm waiting for his answer 😚😋🤭

@noah I'm calling Emma if someone asks, suicide is funnier when we're two.

@Owen 🤭🤭🤭

@tyler ???

@lindsay You're right! Alexis is very hot 😍

@tyler So I am, baby...

@lindsay I don't think so, Tommy.

@tyler 😭😭😭

@queenleshawna Well... I'm proud of you too, baby!

@gwen_die Stop lying to him, Leshawna. That's the worst thing that's ever happened on Instagram.

@queenleshawna I know, girl, I know...

@scottB The fuck?

@dawnn Wow... that's strange, but I support you 💙

@scottB 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣

@scottB Oh my mom, oh my dad, Alejandro will surely love it 😂😂😂🧡

@Owen I hope so too 😊

@gwen_die ...

@sierra_kins And people call me crazy...

@codyyy Am I having a nightmare? @sierra_kins

@sierra_kins Yes, Cody-kins! I promise you're having a nightmare! 💜

@codyyy Good.

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