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Things are going to go down...

Contains mature themes, children.

Three parts:

- Here's the first one (an Instagram chapter)

- The second and third ones are IRL chapters.


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gwen_die's Story:

lindsay: What happened to your hair, Gaga?! 😱

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lindsay: What happened to your hair, Gaga?! 😱

gwen_die: It's called a wig, Lindsay.

lindsay: Alright, Wig, sorry! I love your new hair! But your dress is... terrible.

gwen_die: Thanks, I'll take that as a compliment! :)

gwen_die: 🖤


queenleshawna: Ya look stunning, baby cakes! Just perfect, girl! Ya go! ❤

gwen_die: Thank you, Leshawna!! 🖤

queenleshawna: Gettin' ready, are we? 😘😉

gwen_die: Trying to, I guess.


Dunc&an: Is that Heather's wig? 😂

gwen_die: Oh my Lord, Heather's hair issues were iconic last year! 😂

Dunc&an: I know, bro, right. Where the heck are you?

gwen_die: I can't tell you, Dun'.

Dunc&an: Okay... Nice dress, weird and scary, suits you well 👍🏻

gwen_die: Too nice, bro 🖤👍🏻


Izzzyyy: Scope was looking for you, Gaga!!

gwen_die: That's why I ran away. Heather, Sierra and you are driving me insane!

Izzzyyy: Ooo 🤪😂💚

dawnn's Story:

dawnn's Story:

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