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Cody's driving, ladies 💜


@tyler Happy birthday, my man! You look so old now! I still like you (no homo) though! ❤

@codyyy Thanks... but my birthday was like... two weeks ago, hehehe 😥❤

@Izzzyyy Happy birthday, baby girl! I knew you could do it! Come back soon, Noah and I want to play with your hair! ❤

@codyyy Okay... thanks ❤

@bridgeG Happy birthday, Cody! I wish you the best and I hope Sierra is doing better, come back soon! Love! ❤

@codyyy Even you, Bridgette! Hey!

@Dunc&an Happy birthshit, I guess. Little loser 😂❤

@codyyy But it's not my birthday! And shut it! I still have Scar's number and I'm not afraid to use it!!

@Court_CIT Birthday, I guess! Enjoy your day, even if you're not studying! 🙌🏽❤

@codyyy I swear nobody actually cares about me...

@geoffsurf I'll throw a party for you!! ❤

@gwen_die Don't! Your parents are already mad at you... 🤨

@gwen_die Enjoy your day, little guy! 👍🏻

@codyyy I'll try! But everyone is making it hard for me actually! It's not my birthday!

@mikeee 🙌🏽❤

@zoey6 🙌🏻❤

@codyyy No! It's a big misunderstanding!!

@Owen Oooo! I hope the cake was good! 🤤❤

@DJ I'm so happy you're 17 now!! 🥰❤

@codyyy I'm happy too! But it was like... two weeks ago! Come on!

@harold1 You are so cute to me! Have a nice day and enjoy freedom! Love! ❤

@codyyy What the cupcake? You're all wrong and stupid as hell today!

@Jo1 I don't care but Brick wants me to say it: happy birthday. Yeah. ❤

@scottB Little loser has turned 17!! 🤭❤

@codyyy Come on! Please! I'm not even gonna try anymore. It is pointless. 🤦‍♂️

@sierra_kins I know it's not your birthday. Duh. But you look cute as hell, CODY-KINS. 🤩💜

@codyyy Awe, thank you, Sierra. It means a lot 💜

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