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Thank you for taking that picture, Tyler.

And thanks to Owen, who forced me to actually post it.


@tyler Don't mention it, dude! You look handsome, unreal! I wanna have your body! Uh, uh... ugh, no! I didn't mean it that way, of course! It's cool, hehehe! Buddy! 😅🤘🏻

@Dunc&an 👏🏻

@Owen You'll be famous one day! I promise, little buddy, you're so handsome! 😭 I'm not trying to flirt with you, of course! I wanna share a pizza with you!

@Dunc&an 👏🏻

@Emma You're still so hot, Noah 🥵

@noah You're still so interesting to talk to, Emma.

@Emma Come on, we're so meant for each other! Can we not talk once you're home, handsome?

@noah You have reached I can't come to the phone now because I have amnesia and I feel stupid talking to people I don't remember. I'd appreciate it if you could help me out by leaving my name and telling me something about myself. Thanks.

@Emma Hahaha. Almost as funny as Heather's answering machine.

@noah Oh my God, poor you.

@Emma Thanks! Being her older sister is the worst thing ever!

@noah I was talking to Heather.

@noah You have all of my support forever. @Heather_RQ

@Heather_RQ Thanks, I'll need it. 👍🏻

@harold1 Man, you look nice! Do you wanna be my friend forever? We could join a band and make great music!

@noah has blocked you.

@Izzzyyy Ooo! My No-no, give me a big hug! Nooow! 🤯🤪🧡

@noah Is that a question, Izzy?

@Izzzyyy No. 😈

@scottB Hey, guys! Jokes time!!

@Dunc&an I'm your man!

@scottB 😏

@scottB Why is six afraid of seven?

@Dunc&an What the fuck?

@geoffsurf 🤨🤔

@scottB Because seven eight (ate) nine! 😏 You're so stupid, dudes!

@noah Hey, Scott, who is Dawn?

@scottB My boyfriend!

@noah Definition of stupidity 🔝

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