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Izzzyyy's Story:

noah: Izzy! What is wrong with you?!

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noah: Izzy! What is wrong with you?!

Izzzyyy: You were dreaming of Cody! That's hilarious! No-no has a crush on the Queen of Mean's best friend!

noah: I wasn't! I was sleeping and you're supposed to be in HIS room, not mine!

Izzzyyy: I know, No-no, but I got bored and I missed being with my best friend! Heather is freaking out because AleJANdro and Duncan are on the same team now, and Courtney is arguing with Black Girl! How is my biggie O doing?

noah: He's living his best life. Now, stop spying on me when I'm asleep and do NOT tell Cody or anyone else about this stupid dream!

Izzzyyy: So, you're admitting that you really were dreaming of Sierra's ex? Great!! Go No-no!!

noah: I hate life. Stop it Izzy!

Izzzyyy: Love youuu! 😎🤪

Izzzyyy: Say it too! Nooo-nooo!

noah: Fine. I love you too. Now, LET ME GET SOME SLEEP.

* * *


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Sharing a room with Courtney is worse than being killed by a psycho criminal that escaped from prison.


@Court_CIT Oh, right, and sharing a room with you is the most amazing thing ever! You're unbearable, weird and clingy!

@gwen_die Says the one who won't stop texting my best friend in the middle of the night and freaks every time he doesn't answer!

@Court_CIT I get to talk to Duncan whenever the hell I want to, it is none of your business, sweetheart.

@gwen_die Okay, then just leave me alone and stop being so damn annoying, I'm done hearing you brag about your good grades and your stupid afternoon with Duncan!

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