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456 ❤ 126 💬

Always a great time with you two! I love you! ❤ @gwen_die @geoffsurf


@geoffsurf I'm happy we're good again too, love! But don't forget you have a boyfriend next time 😊

@bridgeG I love you, sweetheart ❤ Look, I know I don't deserve you or your love, but I love you so much, I'm sorry ❤

@geoffsurf I told you we're good, baby. No need to apologize. AGAIN. 😉

@gwen_die That's cute I guess. But I HATE surfing.

@bridgeG It's okay, as long as you love me 💖

@noah That's so interesting.

@trentmusic Almost as interesting as you.
@noah You look gorgeous, Gwen! @gwen_die

@gwen_die Uh... thanks? But it's Bridge on the picture, not me, Trent...

@trentmusic Oh... Never mind. 😘

@gwen_die ...

@codyyy 😂😂😂

@harold1 Got a problem, Cody sweetie?

@codyyy I've got more than one problem. And Heather is the only one who has the right to call me that. Even if she never does. Poor me 😭💜

@mikeee We have the same problem, man 😭😭

@bridgeG I don't want you guys to talk about your stupid problems under my posts.

@Heather_RQ We didn't want you to exist, but we don't always get what we want, blondie ✌

@gwen_die Heather, Al doesn't want to see you anymore. Bridge and I have never wanted to see you. Actually, no one want or need your opinion on something. So, please, stop bothering us.

@Heather_RQ Oh please, at least, my parents didn't try abortion. Have fun. I'm not in the mood right now.

@bridgeG Argh.

@geoffsurf That was quite funny 😂😂

@codyyy That's exactly what I was saying, dude 😂😂

PRIVATE MESSAGES : @dawnn @scottB

@scottB Look baby, I don't know what happened during this stupid party (please Santa, dont tell Heather I ever said that 🙏), but I know that I miss being your girlfriend! Please, forgive me, I'll do anything! Except dealing with Heath's cat, I can't do this! I just can't! 😭

@dawnn You're so cute and funny, Scott 💕

@scottB But... I thought you hated me and didn't want to ever see me again...?

@dawnn But when am I ever mad at you?

@scottB But... Courtney... Party... Sierra... Bruiser... Hot chocolate...?

@dawnn You weren't the one Courtney was kissing, I saw that in your and Courtney's aura, Scott ;)

@scottB I KNEW IT!! 🙏

@scottB But why did you break up with me than, Dawn?

@dawnn You were looking so scared, lost and desperate. That was so cute 😇

@scottB I... I... I MISSED YOU! 😭🧡

@dawnn Oh no, don't cry, do you need a hug? 💕 I'm coming!

@scottB I'm so happy 😭🧡😭🧡

@scottB Man, I don't think Al and Dunc' are that happy right now...

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