
1.4K 23 45

Hey, guys! How are you doing? I just wanted to ask you something because I've been worrying about it for several days now: I was used to you guys commenting a lot each chapter of this story, and I loved it since I could interact with you and you could interact with each other, which was pretty cool! This TD Instagram is not my story anymore, it's our story: you've helped me, you've made me laugh and I loved the way you would speak to the characters.

Since nearly nobody - except Elisa, a friend of mine, and two other people - commented my last chapter, I've come to the conclusion that this book wasn't good anymore... I know I'm probably overreacting, but I'm really worried and I wanted to know if you guys were still interested in TD and this book, if I could make it any better and stuff like that.

Thanks for reading, please answer my questions if you can!

Bye, sweeties,

Emily 🐠

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