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PRIVATE MESSAGES : @Heather_RQ @Alejandro_B

@Alejandro_B Not acting like a 5 year-old girl anymore?

@Heather_RQ No, I got bored. Acting like a 2 year-old girl is way more amusing.

@Alejandro_B So, how are you doing? 💕

@Heather_RQ First, stop sending me pink hearts. Second, I was doing just fine before you decide to come back, thanks.

@Alejandro_B Calm down, Heather, I'm just trying to make conversation. Plus, I know you did want me to come back.

@Heather_RQ Yeah, just like Rose didn't want Jack to die but he did. Too bad 🌈

@Alejandro_B So you're saying were like Rose and Jack? ;)

@Heather_RQ I hope so, because it means that you'll end up dying in front of me! Too great! 🎉

@Alejandro_B How can someone be that adorable while speaking of another one's death? ;)

@Heather_RQ Ugh. You're so annoying.

@Alejandro_B Answer my question and I won't be ;)

@Heather_RQ Yeah, yeah. Whatever. What do you want?

@Alejandro_B First of all, stop posting pictures of yourself.

@Heather_RQ What?

@Alejandro_B Stop posting pictures of yourself. Especially the ones where you look particularly... attractive. Like the last one you posted. There's a lot of perv, you know.

@Heather_RQ Uhm... Last time I checked, you're not my father. So I can do whatever the hell I want to do or post, get it, Don Juan?

@Alejandro_B Heather, I'm being serious. Extremely serious! Stop acting like a child and listen to me when I give you advices!

@Heather_RQ I'm not acting like a child. I'm acting like a 2 year-old girl, remember? ;)

@Alejandro_B Heather, you're driving me crazy.

@Heather_RQ I know, Cody told me so too. So is that all?

@Alejandro_B I also wanted to know... if you could do me a favor. If you want to, of course.

@Heather_RQ What is it?

@Heather_RQ What is it?

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