#93 (2)

627 17 50

PRIVATE MESSAGES : @Dunc&an @gwen_die @Owen @Heather_RQ

@Owen When I was 15, I broke my left arm and ended up in hospital. I got very, very, very hungry and ate all of the donuts myself. Those donuts were for the hospitalized children with cancer... I felt so bad that I puked it all. Oh, gosh, I'm a terrible person...

@Owen 😣

@Dunc&an Uh...

@Heather_RQ I've done worse.

@Dunc&an Yeah, same.

@gwen_die You're not a terrible person, Owen. The fact that you still feel bad about it proves that you're a very good person!

@Owen Really? For real? :O

@gwen_die Yep, I mean it!

@Owen Oh, thanks, Gwen 🥺 I'm proud to be your friend! 💛

@gwen_die I'm proud to be your friend too 🖤

@Heather_RQ Gross.

@gwen_die Can say the same about your personality.

@Dunc&an Girls, come on 🤦🏻‍♂️ Thanks for sharing this with us, I guess, Owen. Who wants to go next?

@gwen_die Heather.

@Heather_RQ Gothy.

@Owen Alright, girls!

@Owen Gwen, is there a thing you like about Heather?

@Dunc&an I won't attend your funeral, man.

@gwen_die What the hell?

@Owen Answer my question, please!

@gwen_die I despise that girl!

@Heather_RQ You hear that? It's the sound of me not caring🖕🏻💋

@Owen Come on, I'm begging you 😣

@gwen_die Ugh, fine.

@Dunc&an ... I will attend your funeral, man.

@Dunc&an 🔥🍿🍿

@gwen_die I really love your hair.

@Heather_RQ Where's the insult?

@gwen_die It's a fucking compliment!

@Heather_RQ That's weird... My hair? Why?

@gwen_die Well, it's always so smooth, shiny and silky. It's like you don't even have to brush it when you wake up.

@Heather_RQ Oh... well, yeah, my hair's perfect.

@Dunc&an Translation: Thanks, Gwen 💁🏻‍♀️♀️

@Owen 🤩🥺

@gwen_die Ugh...

@Owen Heather, your turn!

@Heather_RQ I hate everything about Gwen.


@Heather_RQ Fine! Your skin.

@gwen_die Whoa, what?

@Heather_RQ It seems flawless. I kinda think it isn't ugly.

@Heather_RQ KINDA.

@gwen_die Thanks? I kinda hate it because I get sunburned easily even after wearing a sunblock!

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