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lindsay's Story:

tyler: Lindsay, I love you, I'm so happy you're alright! I'm sorry for making you eat that pizza! 😣

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tyler: Lindsay, I love you, I'm so happy you're alright! I'm sorry for making you eat that pizza! 😣

lindsay: Aww, it's okay, Lyler 💖

lindsay: *Tyler, I meant Tyler! I'm sorry!

tyler: It's all good, Linds 💖

lindsay: I love you 💖 Can you come cuddle with me?

tyler: I'm coming, baby! Love you too 💖


noah: You're not dead yet? Great, I'm so relieved.


DJ: 🥰🥰🥰

lindsay: DJ 🥰


bridgeG: Aww, so cute, I miss being able to hold someone's hand like that...

lindsay: You shouldn't have cheated on poor German, Brianna! You didn't deserve him!


zoey6: So cute, get well soon, darling! ❤

lindsay: Thank you, Zara! ❤


4, 23K ❤  433 💬

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4, 23K ❤  433 💬

I didn't know what fucking Heaven means until your lips kissed mine. I've always known you were a Princess, but from now, I also know and want you to be my Princess. I love you, babe, and that's why I'm asking you this question:

Courtney, will you be my first real girlfriend? @Court_CIT


@geoffsurf Man, you did it! You've got the girl!

@Dunc&an I know, man, she's so into me. And that's fine 'cause I'm into her too 😏

@geoffsurf That's great, man! Congratulations!

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