Heather and Courtney are the Queens of Total Drama High.
Alejandro and Duncan are the Kings of Total Drama High.
Love, friendships, betrayals and drama!
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So... This happened. A lot of things have happened last night during Heather's party. I found Courtney and Scott making out like crazy when nobody was watching. What a scoop!
@noah Lucky me, I was drunk.
@sierra_kins So was everybody except me! :)
@Heather_RQ What... WHAT THE FUCK?!?! Court, what the hell were you thinking?! @Court_CIT
@geoffsurf Man, that's pretty shocking... Scott did cheat on Dawn with... Courtney. Wow.
@Owen You said it, dude...
@Heather_RQ You better have a plausible explanation for all of this shit.
@scottB I wasn't even thinking!! I don't remember anything!! Oh my gosh... Dawn, believe me, baby, I WASN'T THINKING STAIGHT!
@dawnn I don't even want to talk to you anymore.
@dawnn has blocked you.
@scottB Damn... Why me? Just WHY?!
@Court_CIT No... No. No, no... NOOOOOO!
@sierra_kins It did happen, sweetie 💕 I'm sorry, but I had to post it... It's my duty :)
@Court_CIT WHY? SCOTT?! My reputation is ruined!! What will my parents think of me? Omg... what have I done?!
@scottB We're two, don't worry.
@Court_CIT Did I ask you? Just shut up! Oh my gosh...
@scottB Hey, we were two, so just chill out. My girlfriend just broke up with me because of this picture, so I think I'm the one who should complain, President Courtney. Plus, you seem to enjoy it...
@Court_CIT I WAS NOT, YOU DIRT BOY! You're the one who seems to LOVE it. Oh my gosh... WHY?
@scottB That's what they all say...
@Heather_RQ Care to explain? @Court_CIT
@Court_CIT I was drunk, Heath!! I didn't even know what I was doing!
@noah That's what they all say.
@Emma Shut up. @noah
@Heather_RQ I know, I know ❤ @Court_CIT
@Alejandro_B Sierra, delete it before Duncan sees it please. He's had a bad day and he doesn't need to see something like this.
@sierra_kins And why should I listen to YOU?
@Heather_RQ Sierra, he's right this time. Court's feeling awful too, do what Al told you to.