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3, 78K ❤ 59 💬

I must have the sexiest best friend ever! Love you, Court 💕


@gwen_die I think I'm gonna vomit... Don't you have others things to do, Heather ?

@queenleshawna Agree with you, girl 💗 @gwen_die It's just me or Courtney does look like a whore ? 😂

@Court_CIT The next time I see you, I'll make sure my face is the last thing you see, you bitch. @gwen_die At least I don't look like a female version of Owen. @queenleshawna Love you too, Heath 😂❤ @heather_RQ I love that picture and I must confess I look pretty sexy, but you're sexier 😂😏🔥 Happy back to school!

@codyyy Oh my God, Court, you're amazing 😂🔥

@Heather_RQ Of course, I'm the hottest woman alive, don't forget that 😂❤🔥 @Court_CIT Love you too 🖕🏻 @gwen_die @queenleshawna

@codyyy I'm dying, girls 😂👏

@sierra_kins Me too, babe 😂❤

@zoey6 Beautiful 😍

@zoey6 ❤❤❤ @mikeee Happy back to school girls ! @Court_CIT @heather_RQ And Heath, you look even better with long hair 😘 Love your new Snapchat's story!

@Court_CIT Thanks you all 😘 And Zoey is right, you look gorgeous ❤ @Heather_RQ I hope a certain Spaniard will like it too.

@Heather_RQ Ale-jerk-dro? I just hope he's dead.

@Court_CIT Heather! 😂

@sierra_kins 😂

@scottB Dawn is hotter 😏🔥

@Heather_RQ Just get lost 😘 @scottB

@trentmusic 😒

@queenleshawna Poor little girls.

@gwen_die Sorry, but Duncan is waiting for me guys, bye 😏 @Court_CIT

@Heather_RQ Do you know what "go fuck yourself" means? Bye bye 🖕💕

@Court_CIT 💗💗💗 @Heather_RQ

@Dunc&an liked your picture.

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