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Wanna join me? 😝


@trentmusic I do, my dude!

@harold1 I want to, GOSH!

@JustinBest Cody 🥴🥵😏

@tyler Is he flying? What a gifted guy...

@DJ Nice, bro!

@noah Cody 😂

@Dunc&an Man, no one wants to 🤦🏻‍♂️

@codyyy 😝😝😝

@codyyy Thanks, dudes!

@codyyy No one wanted to see your face on this planet, but we still do, D-man.

@Dunc&an Hey!

@Dunc&an That was a good one, little loser 😏 How is roasting class with Heather?

@codyyy Awful 😣 My cheek still hurts.

@Dunc&an Did Noah just use an emoji? Oh, Cody 😏🤘🏻

@noah Oh, Dunc-whore.

@codyyy Be nice or I'll call Scar, Duncan.

@Dunc&an Shit.

@codyyy 😊🙌🏻💚 @noah

@scottB Not gay at all, my friends 😊🙌🏻💚

@dawnn What a beautiful aura! 😍

@scottB Hey, but mine is more beautiful, right, Dawn?

@dawnn Of course, my love 💕

@scottB 💕

@sierra_kins Cody-kins!! Does your booty still hurts?! That was a very rough fall!

@Alejandro_B Too bad I wasn't there to see that, then 😂💕

@codyyy Sierra!! When you took that picture, you promised not to tell anyone!

@sierra_kins Sorry 😣💜 I was just so worried about you and we didn't get to see each other this morning because of Chris' stupid early challenge!

@Heather_RQ Too bad I wasn't there to see that, then 😂💕

@Dunc&an Oh, you love birds 😚 @Heather_RQ @Alejandro_B

@ChrisMcLean My favorite students, honestly 🤷‍♂️🙌🏻 @Dunc&an

@sierra_kins What the sandwich?

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