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I'm not a poet, but being with you helps me... Wait, what am I even saying? I'm just happy to be your girlfriend! @dawnn


@Court_CIT Someone kick him and kill him please...

@Heather_RQ Already tried but Cody didn't let me finish what I started...

@mikeee Hey, girls, just tell him that he is her boyfriend.

@zoey6 That's very cute! 😍😘 Or at least, I guess so... That's cute, right? Right?

@Heather_RQ Almost as cute as seeing Alejandro being tortured and then killed.

@codyyy What the...? 😂

@Heather_RQ I had a dream about it last night 😂 @codyyy

@dawnn Uh... Thanks, Scott ❣ I know what you're trying to say, since your beautiful aura tells me everything ❣

@scottB Thank you! So happy you're my boyfriend!

@mikeee ...

PRIVATE MESSAGES : @codyyy @Heather_RQ


@codyyy Whoa, woah. Just calm down, and try to breath properly first, okay? 💜

@Heather_RQ Ugh. Whatever.

@codyyy Are you breathing now? 💜

@Heather_RQ Yes, I am! I'm not dead yet!

@codyyy So, you're breathing? 💜


@codyyy Hey, hey, just calm down, okay? 💜

@Heather_RQ I'm already very calm.

@codyyy Uhm... You've not sent me one of these "stupid purple hearts", so no, you're not okay, Heath 💜

@Heather_RQ You're lucky I care about you too much to actually try to murder you.

@Heather_RQ 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

@Heather_RQ Happy now?

@codyyy Very 😂💜

@codyyy So, now, tell your dear little Cody what's wrong with you.

@Heather_RQ Alejandro is driving me crazy!!

@codyyy You're driving him crazy too, I think, but not in the same way...

@Heather_RQ What? Uh, whatever. He's been flirting with every girl in that damn school, and smiling stupidly whenever he sees me just to aggravate me the whole day!!

@codyyy He's always been like that, Heath 💜 Just ignore him and his stupid flirtatious behavior.

@codyyy You can also castrate him if you want :)

@codyyy Or tell your amazing boy best friend to kill him for you, if you want. Nobody messes with Heather Shang Atsuko Valentini-Givenchy on my watch!

@Heather_RQ Are you serious?

@Heather_RQ 😂😂😂

@Heather_RQ You're actually the very best, Cody. Behind me, of course. But whatever. I know he's always been like that, but he's... let's just say, he's getting more and more annoying. And he's definitely up to something. I mean, he's kind of friend with Geoff, and yet, he's openly flirting with his girlfriend.

@Heather_RQ While ignoring me, of course.

@codyyy You're the best too, Heath 💜


@codyyy 😂😂💜💜

@codyyy Anyways... I might actually know why he's acting like that...

@Heather_RQ I'm listening, or reading, or both, or whatever!

@codyyy If I wasn't dating Sierra, I would propose you, Heather 😂💜

@Heather_RQ Who wouldn't want to?

@Heather_RQ Now, tell me! Court's been calling me for 3 hours to tell me about her campaign 🔞

@codyyy Or talk about Duncan 🙄

@codyyy Well, that's pretty understandable. Heather Givenchy, the beautiful Queen of Total Drama High, has been ignoring Alejandro Burromuerto for 4 months now, she has blocked him and he hasn't seen her for 2 months: Alejandro needs your attention, Heather. And you've been "ignoring" him and showing no interest at all for too long, so he's trying to get your attention. He needs it. He wants it and... He wants you. Don't you see it?

@Heather_RQ Uh, whatever.

@Heather_RQ Maybe this stupid jerk is just trying to mess with me. No need to try and find another explanation.

@codyyy Sure, queenie 🙄

@codyyy He's into you, Heather. And he has been for a long, long, long time!

@Heather_RQ Yeah, yeah, whatever! Anyways, I have to go shop with Courtney now, see ya!

@codyyy Heather!

@Heather_RQ I don't care if this piece of work is or isn't into me. He's into everyone, anyway.

@codyyy Don't you believe me?

@Heather_RQ I just don't want to talk about it, Cody.

@Heather_RQ Plus, I didn't say I didn't believe you. I mean, who wouldn't be crazy about me? But let's just talk about something else right now. How is Sierra-kins?

@codyyy Heath, I'm telling you something really important right now!

@Heather_RQ And I'm telling you I don't care about it or about that annoying jerk! I have to go help Court with her campaign! Bye!

@codyyy HEATHER!!

@codyyy You didn't even put purple hearts 😭

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