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721 ❤ 211 💬

Intimate friends 🤍🍬 @sierra_kins
Happy birthday! 🎂


@JustinBest Hey, your body isn't that ugly...

@codyyy I don't even know how to respond at this point 😶

@sierra_kins has blocked you.

@Izzzyyy She's so beautiful 😍

@sierra_kins Ow, thank you 🙈🤍

@Izzzyyy Explosivo loves blond hair 🤪🙊

@sierra_kins Good to know 🤪🙊 Hey, are you and Owen a thing now?

@Izzzyyy Yup! I asked him out yesterday night! He's so sweeeet! 😘

@sierra_kins Yes, congrats!! I can finally update my blog! 😍

@codyyy Congratulations, buddy! @Owen

@Owen Thanks, Cody! You should really do the same with Noah! 😊😚

@noah 😳

@codyyy ... yeah, uh, my homework and Scott's are keeping me busy...

@noah Oh.

@Heather_RQ Scott's forcing you to do his homework?! I'm so gonna kill him!

@scottB Hey, that is NOT true, I swear!

@dawn I'm still keeping an eye on you, Scotty.

@scottB Sunshine, come on...

@codyyy ... it's not true, don't worry 💜 @Heather_RQ But thank you! 💜

@Heather_RQ Of course, baby 💜

@scottB 🖕🏻

@dawnn ☺💙

@Heather_RQ What the hell? It isn't Sierra's birthday!

@geoffsurf Good to know, I thought someone threw a party and forgot to invite me 😔

@brody2 Same, brolove 😔 Hi, Heather 🖐🏻💓

@Heather_RQ Hi, Brody 🖐🏻

@codyyy Her first blog's birthday, Heath!

@sierra_kins Yup! 🤩🥳

@Heather_RQ ... Happy birthday, then, you look great 👍🏻

@sierra_kins Thanks, sweetie-kins <3

@codyyy I'm the best photographer ever, hehe. @Heather_RQ

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