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codyyy's Story:

Heather_RQ: Cody!

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Heather_RQ: Cody!

codyyy: Hehe 😅💜

Heather_RQ: Ugh. 🤦🏻‍♀️🙄

codyyy: Love you too!


sierra_kins: Are you dating Heather now?!?!

codyyy: Nope, but why do you care? 😕 Heath and I slept in the same bed yesterday, nothing more.

sierra_kins: ... Right.


Court_CIT: Aww 😍😘

codyyy: Thanks for taking the picture, Courtney 😂 Heather's pissed 😂💜

Court_CIT: Alright, Cody 😂❤


Alejandro_B: What are your fucking hands doing on Heather's butt? And why are you two even sleeping together? Is there something going on between you? I swear, Cody, your little cute face will need a lot of reconstruction once I'll be done with you!

codyyy: *stick my tongue at you*

codyyy: Heather is my best friend, and that means that I get to touch her, kiss her on the cheek, sleep with her and even hug her, Al. So, how does it feel, Al? I thought you liked Leshawna, Al? 😜

Alejandro_B: Shut the fuck up, Cody! And answer my fricking questions!

codyyy: Have a nice night, AL 😜💜

codyyy: You've fallen too hard. Way too hard, buddy 🤷‍♂️

Alejandro_B: Don't show her this stupid conversation, and I advise you to stop being so close to her, little loser.

codyyy: 🖕🏻💜



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