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Heather was leaning against the walls. Damn trip. Dumb hotel. Stupid losers. The half Asian girl did love partying, but right now, she just wanted to get some time alone. Courtney was constantly pissing her off. Stupid jealous, ungrateful brat. Sierra was trying to win Cody over, and was currently looking for him. I hope he's fine, this hotel is fucking huge. Duncan was nowhere to be found, and she honestly didn't want to deal with her oldest "friend"'s immature behavior right there and now. Let's just hope my dear brother isn't drinking too much alcohol. And if he does, let's just hope he'll puke his guts out in a few hours.

The queen bee was just so done with everyone and everything. But that didn't mean that she wanted to go home. She shuddered.

She certainly didn't miss stupid, whiney Kitty, annoying Emma, devil Damien and perverted Sean. She rolled her eyes, biting her red lips. I just hope we'll get a freaking decent reward.

Being trapped in the same place as Izzy, Courtney and weird Gwen was nearly as bad as dealing with Alejandro's flirtatious, arrogant behavior towards her.

He was always trying to defeat her, and mess with her, and overpower her, and get to her, and flirt with her, and make her lose her mind... Stop it, Heather! You want him gone, you're Total Drama High's Queen and you don't need anyone!

Her heart sank and she suddenly felt sick. Her face softened. It was so dark, so lonely in here. She really didn't want him gone, but that was the deal. She enjoyed his stupid presence, his green orbs were so...


A familiar, suavely voice made her widen her grey eyes. She blinked a few times. Alejandro was standing by her side, a sweet smile tugging at his perfect lips. Shoot. Shoot. Shoot. Alcohol. Alcohol. Where the heck are you?

The Spaniard wanted to be alone too. Duncan was busy dancing with his C. I. T., and he honestly couldn't stand everyone else. But Heather... His breath caught in his throat when her silver, enchanting orbs met his.

"What do you want, Alejandro?" she snapped. He despised this freaking darkness. Is she blushing?

"Nothing. I just wanted to get away from these dumb, incompetent losers." He shrugged, approaching her. She noticed and nodded wordlessly.


"You look perfect, this dress matches your eye color so well, Heather," he said, wiggling his eyebrows. "I love them, especially when they send daggers. Muy sexy."

"Ugh! Shut it! Just leave me alone, you annoying piece of chiseled rock!!"

He felt shivers down his spine. Smiling widely, he leaned in. "Chiseled, eh? You are so attracted to me, Heather." The queen bee bit her lips, cheeks reddening. Again.

"N-no, I am not! We are supposed to hate each other and I'm still kicking your arrogant, fake butt!"

Her outburst made Alejandro chuckle softly. He wanted to touch her so badly, but it would ruin everything. But then again, it was so tempting... Now, he knew what it felt like to be one of the many girls he had played before. Or even one of the few guys who were dying to get a chance to kiss him. He'd been drooling over this girl for a year and it wasn't even funny anymore.

"I'm going to go look for Co-" Heather stopped herself when she felt his soft fingers tuck a strand of colored hair behind her ear. Gulping, she backed away. "Don't touch me, you jerk! I'm not one of your brainless dolls, have an awful night! Ugh, I-"

Alejandro stroked one of her flushed cheek, pulling her closer to him. Heather gritted her teeth, glaring at him. His lips curled into a gentle smile, leaving her speechless. What was he doing?

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