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Let's be free, babe. @Court_CIT


@codyyy And they ended up kissing the ground.

@tyler They were kissing the dirty ground, man...

@noah What a beautiful scene. Thanks to Instagram.

@Owen Are you hurt?! I'm calling Principal McLean!

@Emma Almost as weird as the fact that Heather actually got someone like... Alejandro. Like, what the hell? That's disgusting and illogical.

@Kitty She's right... Heather being with... the Alejandro Burromuerto. That's kinda weird, but as long as they're happy, I'm good!

@Dunc&an I would gladly call said boyfriend, but I don't want him to end up in jail because of some bitchy sister-in-law or whatever shit you are called. So, just shut the fuck up, Emma.

@Emma And Superman is defending her, you're so lame! We all know what she is like and that she's never going to find a boy who'll truly tolerate her. Let alone have someone like Alejandro love her and stay with her without wanting to murder her.

@Dunc&an Look, Mommy's daughter. Whether you like it or not, Heather is so much better than your little prissy ass. Heather also has the famous Alejandro Burromuerto wrapped around her finger and you have nobody. So next time you disrespect my friends, you won't see tomorrow. Their relationship is none of your fucking business. And the same goes to everyone else!

@Emma Shut it, little brat!

@noah I'm having so much fun reading your comments 🙌🏽

@Emma Awe, thanks! How are you doing with your exams, hot stuff?

@noah I was talking to Duncan.

@gwen_die My respect, Noah, lol 👍🏻

@noah Anytime. 👍🏽

@harold1 They ended up on the ground, and it was raining! Gosh! 😹😸

@geoffsurf Courtney ended up kissing the ground 😕

@Court_CIT I ended up kissing the freaking ground, you ogre!!

@Dunc&an But you liked it, Princess! Feeling so free and whole with your hot and fearless boyfriend!

@Court_CIT More like ugly and whiney! You tried to kill me! I'm calling my lawyers now! And you have to buy me a new violin too!

@Dunc&an I'd do anything for you, Court. Don't ever say that again.

@Court_CIT Ugh, Duncan. Thanks for the ride ❤

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