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Hello, London 💋

#Work #Trip #London #SoBlainerific


@ChrisMcLean What the fuck are you doing in London?

@BlaineleySAO None of your business, honey 😘

@ChrisMcLean Don't call me that, stupid witch. Divorce does ring a bell, Mildred?

@BlaineleySAO Don't call me that, stupid old man! And it sure does, Chris 🙄 I'm way too perfect for someone like you. How is your fricking school doing?

@ChrisMcLean None of your business, "honey", I'm the principal and you don't get to tell me what to do anymore, got it?

@BlaineleySAO See you in OUR hotel later, babe 😘💋

@ChrisMcLean I'm going to end your whole career, bitch!

@BlaineleySAO Aww, I'm happy to see you too, ex-husband and co-worker ;)

@ChrisMcLean has blocked you.

@geoffsurf Fantastic, guys... Mildred is back 🤦🏼‍♂️

@BlaineleySAO Shut up, Geoffrey.

@geoffsurf Make me 🤨

@BlaineleySAO has blocked you.

@DJ ...

@DJ I miss my Momma...

@BlaineleySAO Oh, crybaby.

@BlaineleySAO has blocked you.

@codyyy Uh... who is she?

@BlaineleySAO Are you fucking kidding me, you idiot?! Don't you remember the amazing and well known Blaineley McLean?!?!

@noah No, he doesn't. And stop freaking out, M-i-l-d-r-e-d.

@codyyy Thanks! 💜

@BlaineleySAO has blocked @noah.

@BlaineleySAO has blocked @codyyy.

@sierra_kins Looks like she isn't over Mr. McLean. Ewww. Gross.

@BlaineleySAO Are you still the same crazy, scary girl, Sierra?

@sierra_kins I might be crazy, but crazy is better than fake and stupid.

@BlaineleySAO has blocked you.

@Heather_RQ What the hell?

@BlaineleySAO Are you happy to be able to look at my perfect facial features again, Heather?

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