(Unpopular?) opinions 2.0

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● I don't think Alejandro deserved to be thrown off a volcano. His body and hair was very badly burnt. Plus, his bones and heart were crushed. Yeah, he definitely deserved some Karma like Heather, but not like that. Being seriously injured and hurt because of the love of your life is the worst feeling ever.

● Heather, Gwen and Courtney are probably bisexual.

● Courtney and Duncan were both acting nuts after their breakup.

● Scottney was cute but it wasn't that healthy: Scott was only attracted to her because he liked being bossed around. And he wouldn't stand up to her. Not a good relationship for our C. I. T.

● Anne Maria was annoying. Not mean, not cool, not smart or at least entertaining. Just annoying.

● Scott was a lame villain in TDROTI. Getting your teammates eliminated? Dude, why?

● Zoey has some mental issues.

● I don't mind a world ruled by Aleheather.

● Sierra is awesome. Thanks to her, the boys' team's name sucks as hell but nobody cares.

● Justin isn't attractive. I'm sorry, he's dumb, arrogant and so annoying. I don't get why people do ship him with Heath or Courtney. These Queens deserve so much better.

● Beth is really irrelevant. Lindsay deserves a better best friend.

● Zoey and Duncan's "friendship" is kind of cute.

● Dawn is scary. An angel. But still scary.

● I don't think Sanders and MacArthur deserved to win the RR.

● Alejandro and Bridgette would do great friends.

● Same with Courtney.

● Something must've happened between Aleheather before the Dinosaur challenge. Alejandro obviously wanted to make her pay for something. He was pretty worried about her when Sierra was acting nuts. He was angry with her for some reason in that episode. He was openly flirting with her in the Condor episode and then, the guy goes crazy, tells Sierra she wants to steal her man or whatever and is very upset when she talks to him.

- My headcanon: he probably has tried to do something while they were in first class and Heather has surely rejected him.

● Sierra got her Karma in WT. Duncan did not and that's unfair.

● Cameron and Cody aren't similar. Come on!

● I love Stephanie and hate Taylor. She's unbearable and unlikable in my opinion.

● Scott and Lightning were stupid but iconic in All Stars. And Scott is attractive.

● Heather looks so different with short hair... and it suits her so much better too.

● We all need to know what Owen, Gwen, Heather and Duncan did. That episode is still a mystery to me...

● Alejandro didn't want to win the money. His family is probably/surely super rich. He just needed to win World Tour to show José he can actually win something too and be as good as him.

● Duncan's parents are the best.

● Gwen's family is probably super funny.

● Courtney's parents are surely strict but still sweet to her. She's kind of spoiled.

● Heather's parents are terrible. They probably abuse their daughter and don't love her at all. My poor baby.

● Cody's parents forgot his birthday, guys. Yeah. :(

● Courtney and Heather suck at flirting.

● Let's just pretend Noah, Tyler, Izzy and Owen are in a polyamorous relationship. I love them so much!

● Dakota and Trent would make a sweet pairing. Don't judge me.

● We need a Truth or Truth challenge with the original cast, gosh.

● Did Courtney and Alejandro kiss offscreen? That's the real question...

● Tyler and Geoff are faithful boyfriends. So beautiful.

● Courtney is definitely jealous of Zoey, which is kinda stupid.

● The fact that Heather and Alejandro both hate Owen shows that they're so similar it hurts.

● I don't like Sky. She looks like Heather and acts like Zoey and Gwen. So weird...

● I've always felt like Alejandro's dear mother would hate Heather at first. Alejandro wouldn't care obviously, but still.

● Topher would make a perfect son-in-law for Sierra's mom.

● Trent, Bridgette, Geoff, Courtney and Heather have gone crazy in Action:

- Heather had a good reason, lol.

- Trent was creepy and clingy... yeah.

- Bridgette and Geoff probably make out all the time because they don't have much to talk about or enjoy together, lol.

- Courtney was excessive, but she had her moments.

● Sierra is a great competitor. Change my mind.

● Amy VS Samey would have made a better finale for season six.

● All girls hate Heather because they wish they were that honest and funny with everything. Period.

● Episode 16 of TDWT:

- Team Amazons: doing perfectly fine.

- Alejandro: let me introduce myself, ladies.

● Noah and Alejandro have so much in common:

- Noah was kissing Cody's ear while they were sleeping.

- Alejandro is literally obsessed with Heath's earlobes.

They're great enemies.

● Gwen did probably hurt Heather when she said that her parents were surely happy about her not being at home. And we know that's true.

● Cody, Tyler, DJ, Noah and Harold would make great Total Drama Brothers.

● The characters I want to see if we gets another TD season (a good one, I mean):

- Girls

Heather - Courtney - Gwen - Sierra - Izzy - Bridgette - Dawn - Zoey - Lindsay.

- Boys

Alejandro - Duncan - Cody - Geoff - Tyler - Noah - Owen - Scott - DJ - Brody.

● I may do another part, so feel free to ask me questions if you do want to know my opinion about some stuffs!

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