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Damn, didn't know I was gonna post some shit about you on here. @Alejandro_B


@gwen_die How bad is it?

@gwen_die Sorry for the harsh question!

@Dunc&an It's fine, bro. A little concussion, a few bruises. They're trying to stop the bleeding. They'll take care of his face injuries later.

@gwen_die Oh, wow, damn. Keep me updated, Duncan. My support, anyway 🖤

@scottB What happened, man?

@dawnn Alejandro has had a car accident on his way to the airport.

@Dunc&an How do you even know that?

@dawnn His aura... I'm sorry.

@scottB Sucks to be you all, man. Good luck, hope he'll get better soon.

@Dunc&an Yeah, whatever you say.

@DJ Duncan, what happened? Is Courtney alright? Is it about Sierra?

@Dunc&an Nope. Al has had a shitty accident yesterday. We're doing good, just stuck in that gross hospital.

@DJ Oh my goodness, is he alright?

@Dunc&an He wouldn't be laying in that fucking hospital bed if he was okay.

@DJ I'm sorry, it was a stupid question ❤

@Owen Oh, you two 😏

@Dunc&an One more comment and I'll tear you apart.

@Owen Relax, dude... Oh, I'm very sorry! Shoot! Didn't know! I'm praying for you guys! 💛

@noah Oh, looks like Karma isn't a legend.

@Dunc&an I'll make you drink your own blood once we're back home, Noah!

@Court_CIT Chill, honey.

@Court_CIT We're already feeling awful, Noah. Shut the fuck up and stop commenting Duncan's posts if you don't care. Someone's seriously injured, that's is not funny or respectful at all.

@Dunc&an Only for you. But next time I see him, he's gonna get it.

@noah Okay... Sorry... I guess. Good luck.

@tyler I miss his arms so much, you have my support! Keep us updated! ❤

@geoffsurf Geez... that's rough, buddy. How are you guys doing? I know Alejandro is still in coma.

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