Chapter 1

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Mingi Focus

The sound of a plane, followed by an explosion, louder than the ones before. Mingi felt that the walls of the shelter were shaking as he saw some dust and little pieces of the groud fall to the floor. He was sitting there, his arms around his hurting knees and waiting for it to be finally over. This had been going on for days and there actually wasn't an end in sight.
For a few seconds it was completely quiet except for the other people that were in the shelter as well. But those didn't even know that he was there, he just ran as fast as he could. When he found the shelter he slowly entered and tried to find a quiet place where he could hide until everything was over. But with every plane he heard and with every explosion that caused him to shrink a little bit more, he lost his hope that was so strong in the beginning.
'A war is no fun', he thought to himself before getting up to look for food. Since not too many people made it to the shelter there was enough food so people wouldn't even notice that he took some from time to time. He slowly walked out of his little room where he had been sitting for quite a few hours without eating anything, but now it was definitely time since he felt that he wasn't able to concentrate anymore. He sometimes ran, sometimes walked through a labyrinth of corridors until he reached the small hall where most of the other people stayed. He quickly checked if anyone might see him, but as soon as he was sure that almost everyone was sleeping or hiding under their blankets he scurried into what they called 'kitchen'. In reality it was just a small room where all of their food was.
As Mingi was grabbing some bread and dried meat he heard that someone was moving in front of the room. He quickly hid behind a pile of boxes that were almost at the end of the room. Just fast enough so the other people in the room wouldn't notice him. "Hey, have u heard of that place they call 'the aspiration'?", one of the, probably two people said. "Uhm.. no, what is it?", the other one said with a confused untertone. "Well as far as I know," the first one began, "it's a place where everyone is welcome. I heard that when I was eavesdropping Miller. *sighs* I really want to go there, I don't like it here", he almost sounded as if he was about to cry. He suddenly moved forward and grabbed something that was  really close to Mingi. "Okay, let's go back", he said while turning around to his friend.
When they finally were out of the room Mingi began to breathe again. 'Phew, that was close', he thought while going back to his room. While he was doing that, an idea was slowly forming inside his head: 'I have to find 'the aspiration'.

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