Chapter 7

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"Mingi? Mingi!" "Whaaaat", he said kind of angry. "I think you should get up, it's almost 10am", Yunho replied. Mingi slowly opened his eyes, stretched his arms and his back. He looked at Yunho and suddenly jumped up from his seat. "How are you evem able to stand again?!", he said with a shocked undertone in his voice. Yunho pointed at his leg and said: "Well, since it's probably broken it still hurts really bad, but thanks to your work the wound is finally closed and can start healing." Mingi looked kind of proud hearing thos words. "Imma take that as a compliment", he said and started to grab some bags of chips and bottles. He turned around to Yunho and pointed at the bottles. "Since you seem to be fit enough to walk you should grab as many of those as you can so we can get going", Mingi said and continued to take as many snacks as he could carry. "Ehm", Yunho began, " but what is your plan? Where do you want to go?" Mingi stopped for a second and looked like he was thinking about what he should say. "Well, I don't really have a plan, but I bet that when we stay at one place for too long, other people will find us and might try to steal our belongings. This world is lost, we don't have any laws anymore. Nothing is illegal, you can do whatever you want. We should be prepared for everything that might happen. We need more medicine, clothes, some weapons and better food", he then said and turned around once again. "I don't know of we'll both make it, but for now we should focus on simply surviving." Yunho looked impressed, but also really scared. He then took as many bottles as possible, when he couldn't take any more he nodded at Mingi and the two of them began walking towards the door which led to the staircase. When they were almost there they heard gunshots outside, followed by people screaming at each other. Mingi pulled Yunho down to the floor which caused the boy to groan since his leg still hurt. They sat there like that for a long time. They couldn't understand a lot of the things the people outside said, but one thing that Mingi heard were the words 'the aspiration' and 'where'. He knew it, other people would also trying to find it. 'From now on', he thought, 'we should be way more careful than before. Those people might be everywhere and they don't seem too friendly' Yunho looked at him, waiting for a sign or anything else that would show him what to do next. Mingi looked back at him and shook his head. "I guess we'll better stay here one more night", he then said and got back up to go to the tables again. Yunho followed him as fast as he could and sat down at one of the tables, laying his head on his arms. "Let's do our best", he said and sighed.


I really hope you like this ff so far. I'm almost done with all of my exams so I'll hv enough time to write.
Have a great day and feel free to comment and vote!! 💕


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