Chapter 27

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When they woke up all of the others were still asleep. "Morning", Yunho whispered. Mingi just nodded and smiled. "Should we wake them up?", he then asked and looked at Yunho. "No just let them sleep a little longer", he replied slowly getting up.

He climbed out of the sleeping bag that was way too cozy and stretched his arms and legs. Mingi was about to turn around to get some more rest when he heard that Yunho started to curse under his breath.

"What is it?", Mingi wanted to know. "Our.. our backpacks are gone!", Yunho almost screamed with tears in his eyes. Mingi jumped up almost falling because of the sleeping bag.

"Guys, wake up!!", he then screamed. "Shit Mingi be quiet", Yunho whispered. However the others slowly opened their eyes, "What's wrong with you?", San groaned and rubbed his eyes. "God San our backpags are gone!"

After hearing those words even the others finally began to realize that it was serious. "All of them?!", Yeosang asked with a shocked face. Mingi nodded and saw that Jongho was really pale and looked kind of sick.

"What are we supposed to do now that we don't hsve anything else beside the sleeping bags and the clothes we are wearing?", Wooyoung asked looking at the others with a concerned expression. Yunho shook his head, "I really don't know."

"We should try to find them", Yeosang demanded. "God Yeosang they could be anywhere. But if someone took them, why didn't they just kill us? I don't know why, but that doesn't make sense to me", San said. The others nodded.

"Now that you say it.. that really is kind of confusing, but I think we'll never know", Yunho replied. "So what's our plan? Should we just keep going and try to find new stuff?" The others looked at each other and then began to nod.

They folded their sleeping bags and left without looking back.

All of them were less than motivated now that all of their belongings were gone, but they kept walking. They didn't talk, not a single word.

After what felt like ages Yeosang quietly ckeared his throat, "Guys? Is that.. is that blood?" The others looked towards the direction he was pointing. Mingi was the first one to react, "I.. think so?"

Wooyoung hid behind San and looked at the others in shock. "Should we.. follow the.. blood?", Mingi asked earning disturbed looks from the others which got really pale when they heard a scream not too far away followed by a muffled noise.

"What is going on.. shit", Mingi whispered and ran towards one of the nearest houses which was a mistake. At the end of the floor he saw someone running away. Mingi didn't know what to do but didn't want to risk anything so he stood still and waited for the others to arrive.

"God Mingi what is wrong with you why did you just run away?", Yunho asked out of breath. "I don't know it was a reflex I guess", he replied and kept walking towards the place where he saw the person.

[Trigger warning, violence, blood]

When he reached the place he was shocked by what he saw. The first thing he saw where the two bodies laying on the ground. Blood was surrounding them and Mingi guessed that it was too late for them.

Next to them, covered in blood, he found their backpacks that looked like everything was still inside them.

Now the others stood behind Mingi. Yeosang had tears in his eyes and was comforted by Jongho, San was holding Wooyoung who looked like he was about to faint.

Mingi grabbed the backpacks and turned around, "Guys we gotta get away from here, right now!"

The others didn't even say anything and just followed Mingi.


Hello guys, I'm really sorry for not uploading a chapter last week, but I didn't find the time to write one since I wasn't home the whole week.

However I hope that you somewhat enjoy this chapter!!

Feel fee to like and comment!

See you next week,
Mae ❤

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