Chapter 28

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Mingi didn't know where he was leading the others he just wanted to get away from the blood bath.

He couldn't stop thinking about the person that ran away as soon as he entered the house. Not sure if he should tell the others he kept leading them. Taking the way, the other person might've taken as well.

"Where.. where are you leading us?", Yunho who was now walking next to him suddenly asked. "I... don't know", Mingi confessed. "You.. Mingi.. what happened when you entered the house?", he kept asking. Mingi sighed he trusted Yunho more than anyone else in the group. "There was this person which ran away as soon as I entered the house. I couldn't see his face or anything.. just his back." "God Mingi why didn't you tell us?", Yunho asked with a worried undertone."

Mingi stayed quiet for some time, thinking about a good answer, but he came to the conclusion that there wasn't a good one. "I don't know", he just said and kept walking.

Yunho seemed pretty upset, but he didn't tell the others he just kept walking next to Mingi. Mingi didn't really notice when their hands touched or when Yunho looked at him.

They've been walking for about an hour when Mingi suddenly saw a shadow moving inside a huge building to their left. He started walking towards it and the others following once again not knowing what was wrong.

Mingi entered the building and looked around, the top floor seemed to be completely destroyed. The building was really old. There was a lot of wood that didn't look really stable anymore.

Yunho got even more worried he had never experienced Mingi like that. He looked at the boy who was now walking further into the building. "Mingi", Yunho whispered, "come back, please!"

Mingi turned around, but he didn't look at Yunho he looked at Yeosang whose eyes widened within moments. Mingi expected him to look at him, but he didn't, he looked at something behind him.

Mingi turned back around again and saw a blonde haired guy with a wooden plank. Then everything happened really fast. Mingi heard Yeosang scream behind him "Oh my god Seonghwa, you survived!"

Seonghwa who was looking at Mingi now looked at Yeosang. A slight smile was forming on his face and he threw the wooden plank away.

Mingi took a step back and heard a sound of something breaking underneath his feet. He looked down and suddenly the floor seemed to just disappear.

Mingi fell, it felt like ages. Everything around him turned black and he heard Yunho yell his name, but it sounded far away. His head and his legs hurt until he passed out.


Hello y'all.. this is probably the second to last chapter for this fanfiction ><

I honestly got kind of unhappy with the story line.. I'm sorry guys.

I still hope that you enjoyed it.

Mar~ ❤

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