Chapter 13

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Time for someone new to join the small group!

Mingi was already walking for quite some time when he finally reached the small supermarket. He was relieved as he saw that the store looked as if it still had enough food for the three of them. He slowly went closer and looked through one of the windows. The inside of the market looked pretty normal. A few things fell to the ground here and there, but overall it looked safe enough to go in. He took the backpack and held it in front of him. He went into the shop and looked for everything that would be edible for a few days. He took everything he could find, dried fruits and meat, some cans.
He then went further into the store to look for something to drink. The closer he got to the drinks the weirder he felt. He almost felt something like a presence. He brushed it off as his paranoia. He just wanted to get to the drinks as fast as possible and leave the market directly after that. As he went towards the drinks he suddenly heard something from behind him, he turned around, but couldn't see anything or anyone. For some time he was just standing there, scanning his surroundings. When he finally thought that his imagination tricked him he turned around again and moved on. He had almost reached his goal when he heard a quiet hum. He was scared and curious at the same time. He actually wanted to know what or who that was, but he was too scared to say something or even move. The hum came closer and Mingi looked around with his eyes wide open. Suddenly he saw a movement. He now ran towards the drinks and grabbed the first bottles he could reach. He then turned around and wanted to run out of the store, but he took a step back as someone was standing in front of him.
The person looked at him, still humming with an apple in his hand. He stared into Mingi's eyes and broke the apple into two halves. Mingi couldn't help but be impressed and scared by that. The boy then lifted one of his arms and offered him one of the halves. "Jongho", he said and smiled. "Uh.. Mingi", he replied and began eating his apple.
"I guess you just wanted to take some food?", he asked after a few minutes had passed. "Well, yea", Mingi began, "My friends and I need some, so… ." 'Why am i even telling him this?!', he asked himself and stopped talking.
"Friends?", the other asked with shiny eyes. "Yea, we..", Mingi began, but got interuppted by Jongho. "CAN I MEET THEM? I REALLY WANT TO!! I DON'T WANT TO BE ALONE IN THIS MARKET ANYMORE!!"
Mingi was shocked by that and didn't know how to react for a second. But he then decided to just take Jongho with him, since he seemed okay and not dangerous at all.
"Okay, let's get going then", he said and grabbed a few more bottles before leaving the market with his new... friend.
The group keeps growing~ I think it's pretty obvious who'll join next. After that? Who knows.
Anyways thank you so much for reading!! 💕


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