Chapter 17

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The sun was already setting when they finally saw the roof of the parliament (or at least what was left of it) shining because of the sun. "There it is", Wooyoung said pointing at the roof, "We are almost there guys. We are almost able to finally rest a bit." They all hummed in response and started to walk again. Mingi was looking at his feet that began to hurt really bad an hour or two ago. He didn't even know anymore. He then looked at Yunho again who was breathing really heavy. Mingi got worried and walked next to him, putting a hand on his shoulder which made Yunho turn his head to look at Mingi. He directly knew that Mingi was worried so he just nodded and kept walking.

A couple hours had already passed since they arrived at the remnants of the parliament. They decided that it would be best to go to bed and start searching for San in the morning. So they looked for a good place to sleep and unpacked some food and their sleeping bags. Mingi once again changed Yunho's bandage and was happy to be able to announce that the wound was finally healing properly. However Mingi was still worried since he didn't know if the bone was okay, but he tried to ignore those thoughts by telling himself, that everything was okay again.
A short while after all of them climbed into their sleeping bags. Jongho was the first one to fall asleep. Then Yunho and Wooyoung. Mingi decided to stay awake a little longer. He still didn't know if he would be able to find the Aspiration or how he should tell the others. In addition to that he didn't even know where it was or, which was more important, if it actually existed. He eventually fell asleep while thinking about the best way to tell the others.

A loud scream woke Yunho up. When he opened his eyes he realized that it was still in the middle of the night. He looked around, trying to make out where the scream came from. A second later he heard heavy breathing next to him which wasn't human. "Shit", he said and tried to move away from whatever was breathing next to him. He heard the others whisper rather afraid and he began moving closer to them. "Shhhh", he heard followed by a quiet 'click' and after that everything became bright. Yunho had to rub his eyes to be able to see something again. While doing so he heard a quiet whimper. 'A dog?', he thought and tried to open his eyes again. Before he actually knew what was going on he heard someone inhale in surprise. "Oh my god, that's Shiber!!", he heard Wooyoung whisper. 'Shiber.. shiber..', Yunho repeated in his head, that name sounded really familiar to him. The others must've looked really confused, because Wooyoung then explained that it was San's dog. 'Right', Yunho thought, "He might be able to help us!", he then said out loud.

"Wait.. so this is San's dog?", Mingi asked. Wooyoung just nodded and put a hand on his chin while thinking. "So", Mingi said, trying to get Wooyoungs attention, "do you have anything with you that belonged to San not too long ago? If it still smells like him, Shiber might be able to find San." Wooyoung's mood suddenly seemed to brighten, beside being surprised that Mingi actually talked to him he remembered that he was wearing a bracelet San gave him with the words "No matter what, this will always remind you of me". Wooyoung looked at Mingi and had to be careful not to cry, "I.. do.. I got this bracelet. I don't know if that's enough, but San gave it to me a few days before everything went downhill. Do you think this will still work?" Wooyoung could clearly see that Mingi was thinking about it.

Soon after they gave Shiber some of their food they decided to lay down again. Shiber trotted over to where Wooyoung was resting and layed next so him. Wooyoung took a hand out of his sleeping bag and stroked the dog's head. Shiber made a quiet sound and nudged Wooyoung's nose which made the boy smile. He then fell asleep, dreaming about the time where San got Shiber who was just a cute little puppy. Everywhere San went Shiber went too. It was a beautiful and calming dream that let Wooyoung forget everything bad that had happened in the past few weeks.


I'm literally so exhausted and I'm so happy that I managed to upload a chapter!!
Hope you like it uwu~ ❤
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