Chapter 9

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Mingi looked around, the mall looked kind of untouched which was suprising enough  but it also seemed like nobody else was there. Then he looked back at Yunho who was massaging his left leg. Sometimes Mingi tended to forget that Yunho's leg was injured since he just walked as fast as him, probably because he knew how important it was to be as fast as possible, but Mingi actually didn't want him to overdo it. "Are you alright?", he asked after a moment of silence. "Yeah, sure", Yunho said and looked up, "okay, let's go then", he added and got up again. Mingi did so too and they went towards the place where Yunho thought the camping store was. Some minutes later they came across a little supermarket. Yunho decided to remember this place  for when they would have backpacks so they could get some more food and other stuff they might need in the future.
They had been walking for quite a while when they finally reached the camping store. Yunho was still kind of reluctant when it came to just taking whatever he needed, but he told himself that from now on this would be normal. "Okay, you can look for backpacks and I'll go to the back and see if I can find any pocket knives or something like that" Yunho then suggested. Mingi just nodded and walked away. They did as Yunho said. After a while they met again, Mingi had two big backpacks and a little tent, which he also found, just big enough for two persons. Yunho had two pocket knives, a flashlight, some batteries and two bottles. "That's everything useful I was able to find", he said, looking at Mingi who was holdind the backpacks and the tent, "Oh good, you were successful as well", he added after a few seconds. He then came closer to Mingi so he could grab one of the backpacks, but a sudden pain in his leg caused him to lose his balance and fall towards Mingi. Mingi let everything he was holding fall to the ground and grabbed Yunho by the shoulders. Yunho felt his heavy breath on his scalp as he focused on his own breathing so he wouldn't pass out. The pain was bad, really bad, he didn't know what was wrong. Everything had been alright, at least that's what he thought. "Are you okay?", he heard Mingi say with a concerned undertone in his voice. "I-i don't know", he replied. Mingi gently pushed him away, because he didn't want to cause his leg to hurt even more. Then he slowly guided him to the ground so he could sit down. Mingi looked at the part of Yunho's leg where the wound was. The wound must've opened again. The fabric of his pants looked wet because of all the blood that came out of the wound. "Yunho", he then began, "I think we gotta change the bandages and rest for some time you shouldn't lose more blood! Wait here, I'll see if I can find a new first-aid kit." Mingi got up again and left the camping store.


I hope you are still enjoying this fanfiction uwu, some new people will finally join pretty soon, so be excited for that. 😇
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