Chapter 24

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The others watched Yunho and Yeosang and saw that Yeosang's face got brighter with every second. As soon as Yunho told him the news Mingi saw tears forming in Yeosang's eyes, he was happy that they were able to make him smile again, since he lost his friend a while ago.

When Yunho finished talking he waved at the rest of the boys, letting them know that they should come over as well. They smiled and introduced themselves one after another. Yeosang listend to them quite interested and after they had finished he looked at Mingi again.

"So", he began, still looking at Mingi, "I might've been kind of unconcious, but I think it was you who said something about me and that you would know me, right?" Mingi didn't expect that question, but slowly began to nod, "Uhh yeah, I did", he added. "So, why didn't I see you then?", Yeosang kept asking.

Mingi sighed but decided to tell him anyways. "I don't know if you remember that day, but you and someome else talked about the Aspiration in the stockroom. I was hiding since I didn't want anybody to know that I was there. I was always hiding in a room nobody else ever entered." Yeosang nodded and it got quiet for a few minutes.

"So.. did you decide to search the Aspiration?", he then asked, his eyes still locked at Mingi, who just nodded. Yeosang closed his eyes and sighed, "You are just like me then. After finally being able to go outside I decided to look for the Aspiration, because I thought that my friend would do the same."

"Okay so", Yunho now said, "From now on we'll just look for the Aspiration together and also your friend." "Sounds like a plan", Yeosang agreed and the others nodded.

Since it was already pitch black outside all of them decided to go to bed so they would be able to leave early in the morning.
The night was completely quiet and nothing else happend, letting all of them rest well.

Yunho was woken up by Mingi who carefully took his arm and shook it. "Yunho.. wake up", he whispered. Yunho kept his eyes closed for a little longer, for some reason he liked the way Mingi's voice sounded when he was whispering. "Come on now", Mingi added after a few seconds. Yunho finally opened his eyes and wished him a good morning.

All of them got ready and ate something small. They took their backpacks and opened the front door. It was in that moment, when they realized that they had completely forgotten about Shiber. San and Wooyoung were so happy to have each other back, that they forgot to take Shiber into the house with them.

San felt really bad and kept blaming himself. He stepped out of the house, out the tips of two fingers into his mouth and whistled. It was a loud high-pitched sound. For a moment nothing happend, but then they heard a quiet sound from the right. When they looked over they saw Shiber laying next to the door.

Wooyoung was the first one to go to him and petted his head "You are such a good boy!", he said and told the others to give him some food.. food, they didn't have too much left and now that they wer even more people they would definitely have to find more edible things.

They decided that it was the most important thing to do right now. San told them that he knew this part of the city pretty well and knew some places where they could find some food and maybe some other useful things since they still didn't really have something they could use to defend themselves. So they began walking in a good mood.


I'm really sorry that I might not be able to update regularly from now on. But I hope you'll still continue to support this ff.
Feel free to comment and vote if you liked this chapter. 😇❤
Until next week!!


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