Chapter 11

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Mingi was really confused for some time. Why did Wooyoung know him? Were they friends? After the guy, Wooyoung, put down his weapon they went back into the camping store, took some camping chairs amd sat down. Mingi was just sitting there pretending to be listening to the conversation the two others were having. He actually felt kind of jealous because the two of them seemed to know each other, even though they somehow didn't seem like friends. "… and that's why I stopped coming to school", Wooyoung finished. Yunho looked at him with a concerned face. "I'm sorry to hear that, I didn't know that, but I'm glad that you are alright.", Yunho then said.
Mingi was upset, because he wasn't really paying attention to their conversation so he didn't hear the reason why Wooyoung stopped going to school. But he didn't even care about that if he was honest. Everything he wanted was to survive so he could find the Aspiration.
"Mingi?", Yunho's voice brought him back to reality. "Uhm.. yea?", he said, not knowing for how long he had been just staring at the wall behind Yunho. "What do you think about that idea?" Mingi had no idea what he was talking about, but he actually didn't want to ask him if he could repeat the plan. He didn't want Yunho to think that he didn't care what the others were talking about. He just said yes, which made Yunho look really happy, which made Mingi feel like he made the right decision. "Thank you! So we'll start looking for him tomorrow?", Wooyoung said with a smile on his face. 'What did I just agree on? What is he talking about?' Mingi thought, regretting that he didn't ask Yunho if he could repeat the plan for him. He knew that he had to find out what that plan was. "Okay", he began, "Yunho we still have to treat your wound", he got up and walked away to pick up the first aid kit he left in front of the store. When he came back he heard Yunho and Wooyoung talking about the plan again. "… where do you think he is?", Yunho asked with a worried undertone. 'So they want to look for someone?', Mingi thought finally understanding what they were talking about before.
"Oh Mingi you are back! We were just talking about where we might find him", Yunho said, now smiling, which made Mingi feel pretty happy. He nodded, signalising them that they could continue their conversation. He then walked over to Yunho and started treating his wound. He tried to remove the fabric of Yunho's pants as careful as possible, but it got stuck to his leg as some of the blood had already dried. He eventually managed to lift up the fabric and removed the old bandage. "This might hurt a bit", he mumbled, not wanting to interrupt the conversation. He took the antisept and poured it over the wound which caused Yunho to flinch and look at Mingi who whispered a short 'Sorry'.
Mingi then took a new bandage and covered the wound again.  When he got up again Yunho smiled at him.

Thank you all so much for all the reads and votes in the past week, I really appreciate it!! I hope you'll continue to like and support this fanfiction.
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