Chapter 6

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When Mingi woke up he didn't know for how long we had been asleep, but what he did know was that it was still dark outside. He looked around, rubbing his eyes to get rid of the tiredness while trying to find a clock. He was sure that there used to be one in the lunch hall and he was right.. "3:41am" he whispered and remembered that he wasn't alone. He looked at the boy who was still laying on the floor. He looked peaceful, unconcious of what happened since he had fainted. Mingi looked at his bandage and realized that the blood already made its way through the layers of it. He got up and grabbed the first-aid kit. Kneeling next to the boy he began to remove the used bandage. He grabbed the bottle of antiseptic and sprayed it onto the wound which he stitched earlier. The boy flinched and groaned. Mingi looked at his face to see if he was opening his eyes, his eyelids actually moved and completely opened after a few seconds. The boy looked like he wanted to scream, but Mingi signified him to be quiet by putting a finger in front of his lips. The other seemed to understand and nodded. Mingi pointed at the wound and after that at the bandage he already had in his hand. He saw the nod and began to wrap it around the other's leg. When he was finished he got up and put the first-aid kit onto the closest table. He went over to the drinks and picked up a bottle of water. He helped the boy up and gave him the opened water bottle, he smiled and began to drink. Considering the amount if water he drank he probably didn't drink anything for a really long time. "Thank you", he whispered when he was finished. Mingi nodded at him and put the lid back on. He grabbed some snacks and gave them to the boy. "My name is Mingi by the way", he said and looked at the boy. "Yunho", he just said and began to eat. It seemed like Yunho wasn't even chewing his food since he just finished two little bags of chips in no time. Mingi was actually afraid that he might choke on one, but luckily nothing happened. Yunho threw the empty bags away and layed down again. "Tired?", Mingi asked looking at the boy who just nodded and closed his eyes afterwards. Mingi decided that he should try to sleep as well, but before that he began to tidy the mess. He collected all of the bottles and put them on a table, he also took all of the snacks and put them on another table. After that he used his feet to put all of the shards together to one big pile. After checking if any got stuck in his soles he sat down at one of the tables and layed his head on his arms which he put onto the table.

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