Chapter 4

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Yunho Focus

Yunho couldn't believe it, everything was destroyed. The house in which he grew up in. The house in which he lived since he was born. The house he laughed, cried and lived in was now a ruin. He was slowly turning around to see if he could find anything useful which didn't get destroyed. His leg was still hurting really bad, but he just ignored it and walked around on the bricks. He found a knife in the part which used to be a kitchen. After some time he also found a coat. He knew that there should be some more stuff on the second floor, or at least what was left of it, but he didn't dare going upstairs, mostly because of his leg, but also because it wasn't safe at all. At that point he remembered that he didn't know for how long he was unconcious, but he figured that he would definitely need something to eat and drink. Since he didn't find anything in his so called kitchen, he was thinking about places where he might be able to find something edible. Yunho had to think quite some time until he realized that his school had a few vending machines, which probably the easiest way to get food, since his highschool wasn't too far away from his home. He slowly walked out of the ruins and headed towards the school which was only 300 meters away. It still felt like ages passed when he finally arrived. The school looked pretty undamaged and stable compared to the other buildings he walked by. He decided to enter through one of the doors on the side of the school even though he was pretty sure that nobody else would be there. Once he was inside he looked around to look for the way too the lunch hall. He was limping through the dirty and empty corridors until he reached his goal. There they were, the vending machines he always avoided, but now they were his best option to get food. He was just standing infront of them, while thinking about how he could get the food out of it. "I guess I don't need money anymore", he said, laughing. He turned around and took a chair from one of the tables. He held it over his head and smashed the glass which flew everywhere. Yunho let the chair fall to the ground and came closer to the vending machine. Except for a few little sausages there were sweets and chips. He took as much as he could carry and put it on a nearby table. After that he went to the second machine which was usually filled with drinks, so he just hoped that it wasn't empty. He took the chair again and smashed the plastic, after that he had to smash another part and he was finally able to take something to drink. As he was walking back to his table he started to feel really lightheaded and couldn't see properly anymore. His heart began to beat as if it wanted to jump out of him. After that everything became black and he just fell to the ground.

Be excited for the next chapter uwu something is finally about to happen!!

I hope you liked it, if yes feel free to vote amd comment!! 💕


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