Chapter 23

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Everybody got quiet and their motivation and happines seemed to disappear as fast as it came. Looking around Yunho saw worried faces no one, including him, knew what to do. "Did, did they come back?", he whisperd and saw that Mingi's expression changed from fear to anger. Yunho felt that he wanted to get up and run to the front door, but he then slowly shook his head and tried to stay calm.

Everything was quiet for a few minutes and the boys started to relax until they heard how someone opened the door with a quiet, "Hello?" 'At least', Yuho thought, 'it's not one of those guys.' He then pointed at the door to the living room where they were in and after that at the kitchen, which was directly next to it. The others seemed to understand and nodded. Ome after another they got up and went into the kitchen.

They were as quiet as possible and waited. Not knowing for what, but knowing that it would be best to not risk anything. From time to time they heard steps coming closer and leaving shorty after. Someone was clearly walking inside 'their' house, looking into every room.

When they heard that the person went upstairs they all took a deep breath knowing that the person would probably come to the living room afterwards. They were right. As soon as the person came downstairs again they heard the sounds of the nearing steps.

Until now they didn't have the chance to make any plans so all of them just hoped that one of the others would know what to do and react in the right moment. As soon as they saw the person coming through the living room door their hold their breaths.

The person seemed to be a young man and didn't look very muscular but rather skinny and not too strong. He was standing in the middle of the room looking at the backpacks and the food. 'Now or never', Yunho thought seeing their advantage since the boy was facing the other way.

Right when Yunho wanted to run over to the boy he saw someone moving next to him - Mingi. He looked determined and before Yunho could say anything he left the kitchen and ran towards they boy, surprising him and pushing him to the ground.

In order to be able to see the boy's face he turned him around as soon as the others were standing next to him. To his surprise he knew the face of the boy. "Guys", he whispered, "I saw him before. He is one of the boys that talked about the Aspiration when I was in that shelter." The others looked at Mingi in confusion which he realized and decided to add that he was hiding when he heard that information.

After a few minutes the boy opened his eyes again and looked as if he was about to cry. "Guys, he's awake", Mingi said, directly getting the other's attention. "Can you promise me that you won't run away or scream? If yes, we won't do anything to you. So, can you?", Mingi asked the boy, since he felt really unvomfortable having to press him on the ground. The boy nodded and Mingi slowly brought some space between them so the other could sit up.

Yunho sat down in front of him and calmly asked him for his name. "My.. my name is Yeosang", the boy replied shyly. "Hello Yeosang", Yunho said in a friendly tone, " These are Mingi, Wooyoung, San and Jongho. Oh and my name is Yunho." The boy nodded and looked around. "So why are you walking around alone?", Yunho asked, trying to build some kind of trust. "I lost my friend when everybody was rushing out of the shelter I was in", he answered, looking even more sad than before.

Yunho continued talking to the boy for some time and handed him some food after he found out that Yeosand hadn't been able to eat for some time. He then walked back to the kitchen, followed by all the others. "So what do you think?", he asked them. "I think he is nice!", Jongho replied and the others nodded. "Hmm considering that he is one of the guys that were talking about the Aspiration, he might actually know more about it! So I think whe should allow him to stay with us. Oh and he doesn't seem to be dangerous." The others nodded once again and Yunho went back to Yeosang.

"I've got great news!", be began, "You can stay with us if you want to!" Yeosang looked at him with shining eyes and nodded, "Thank you so much!"

Sooo here is the chapter some of you might've been waiting for!! I hope it didn't disappoint!! 🥰
Hope you like it! If yes feel free to like and comment~ 😇❤


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