Chapter 10

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Yunho felt alone. His leg hurt and he was really thirsty. He tried to get a better look at his wound, but as soon as he wanted to lift his upper body up he heard a noise from the front of the store. "Mingi?", he whispered. No answer. "Mingi is that you?", he asked once again, now with a frightened undertone in his voice. Silence. He thought if he began to become paranoid. Even though he tried to convince himself that this was the reason, he had a bad feeling regarding the whole situation. He didn't know how much time had passed since Mingi left him. He didn't even know what time it was in general. Afternoon? Evenig? Was it already in the middle of the night? He didn't know. After a while a loud scream took him back to reality. There was only one thing he could think about: Mingi. 'Was he in danger? Did he scream? What happend?', all those questions rushed through his head, but he didn't know what to do. He slowly began to lift himself up. He was looking around, trying to find something he could hold on to. This kind of reminded him of when he was in his basement, trying to get out. When he was finally standing again he carefuly moved towards the direction where the scream came from. As soon as he reached a place from which he was able to see the main hall of the mall he couldn't believe his eyes. He saw Mingi, 'Good god, he's alright', but something was wrong. He was standing there with his mouth wide open staring at a point Yunho wasn't able to see. Mingi was holding his hands above it head, a first aid kit and two water bottles were laying in front of his feet. He looked scared. "We all just want to survive don't we?", he then screamed. "Shut up and give us the first aid kit!", someone else screamed. The voice sounded extremly familiar to Yunho. But he just couldn't remember where he had heard that voice before. He was digging in his memories, which felt like ages. 'In school? Yes probably, but not in my class. Where, where, WHERE?!' He then suddenly remembered. When he began highschool there was this one boy that always slept in class, if he was even there. After a few weeks he didn't even come to school anymore. "What was his name again.. his name.. WOOYOUNG!", he didn't even realise that he said that out loud, but when he looked up again he saw Mingi staring at him. "You know him?!", he shouted. Yunho nodded as an reply and walked out of the store towards Mingi. He was right, the voice really belonged to the guy that used to be in his class. "It's been some time.. Wooyoung", he said with a smile on his face. Wooyoung, who was holding a weapon seemed to recognise the boy, "Yunho?", he asked and put his weapon away.

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