Chapter 21

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Yunho seemed to be a bit confused by the way Mingi had said the sentence, but he was too tired to think about it and closed his eyes.

"Hmm yeah, that would be good", he replied and felt that he was slowly falling asleep. "Good night", Mingi whispered as he noticed it. "Good.. night", Yunho mumbled and was asleep soon after.

Mingi decided to stay awake a little longer. He stared into the darkness and listend to the quiet sounds that surrounded him. The creaking of the wood and the wind that was swirling up some leaves outside.

He was thinking about what San told them before. Mingi wanted to know what that contract was about. Was it something cruel? Something that would've changed the way they lived their life? Mingi sighed, 'Well' he thought, 'the contract changed our lives. Probably forever, but what did the person want to do that made the contract?'. Mingi came to the conclusion that he would probably find out everything sooner or later.

As he also decided to sleep and to go over to his couch again he felt Yunho move next to him. He then felt a weight on his chest. When he looked down he saw Yunho's head - laying on his chest.

Mingi looked at Yunho quite some time. He looked at his closed eyes, his mouth that was slighty open and his hair that looked really soft considering everything they went through. He then closed his eyes as well and tried to sleep.


"Sshhh they are still sleeping", was the first thing that Yunho heard in the morning. He opened one of his eyes and saw San and Wooyoung who where standing inside the room Mingi and him had slept in.. Mingi.. Yunho looked around and saw that he was laying on the other boy's chest. San smiled as he saw Yunho's face. He then put a finger to his lips and left together with Wooyoung.

Yunho didn't know if he should wake Mingi up or if he should let him sleep a little longer, but as the others didn't seem like they wanted to leave he decided to let him sleep. When Yunho closed his eyes again to get some more sleep as well he felt something warm on his back, he didn't have to take a look to know that is was Mingi's hand.


When Mingi woke up the sun was already shining. He realized that Yunho's head was still laying on his chest and he then felt that his own hand was laying on the other boy's back. Even though he felt the urge to pull it away he decided to let it rest there. Mingi looked around in the room and yawned.

When he looked back at Yunho he saw that the boy had opened his eyes as well, "Good morning sleepyhead", he said and smiled slowly sitting up and stretching his body. "Good morning", Mingi responded and did as the other. He then jumped out of the bed looking outside wondering what time it was. Considering the position of the sun it was probably around 1pm.

"Shit", Mingi said, "We wanted to leave early in the morning, didn't we?", he said rather to himself. He then left the room, leaving a confused Yunho behind.

When Mingi got downstairs the others were sitting together and talked about anything and everything. "Why did no one of you guys wake us up?!", Mingi said a bit too harsh which startled the others. "Well", San began, "You guys just looked to cute." "That's... not a reason!", Mingi continued. "Guys we had a plan, remember?" "Mingi.. calm down", he heard someone say behind him. "Yunho, I..", he began. "It's alright Mingi, I think we all need to rest a bit more. We'll leave tomorrow."

On the one hand Mingi was angry, becauee they had talked about the plan and not a single one of them had any objections, but on the other he didn't want go make Yunho upset. He just decides to grab some food and go upstairs again.


"So what is going on between you and Mingi?", Jongho asked, sounding like an excited child. "Huh nothing, why would you ask that?", Yunho replied, knowing exactly what Jongho was talking about. "Well you guys slept in the same bed? It looked very... intimate if you ask me." "Nobody asked you. We are friends, k?", Yunho said.

I feel like this chapter is pretty boring, but I finally included at least some yungi. 😂
Hope you guys liked it!! If you did feel free to like and vote! 🥰❤
See ya on Monday!


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